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chest pain

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ayresy81 | 22:39 Sat 25th Dec 2010 | Health & Fitness
11 Answers
im a 29 year old male i have been getting chest pain now for 3 years i have recently been diagnosed with dvt in my leg and currently on a 6 month course of fragmin injections which im a month into. but im still having chest pain.i can have it for days then it can go for days and then come back which is what been happening the past 3 years.surely when the hospital found my dvt they would have checked for pulmonary emboluos. the pain is sharp stabbing pain just under my left breast bone i dont have trouble breathing its not tender to touch and doesnt come on when taking deep breath. it is really starting to annoy me now as its been like it for years any ideas would be greatly appreciated


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Go back to the doctor, you need medical advice, are you under a consultant at the hospital? You can always ask for a second opinion.
Maybe quad could advise you, but he's not about! thing is to see your doc ASAP!.......
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yes i was hoping quad could help he gave me good advice before concerning my dvt. shame hes not about .i am going back to hospital after xmas for more fragmin so ill mention it then cheers welsh
It's sqad, ayres, not quad - always worth coming on here in the morning to see if he's posting.
well did they check for PE's at the same time? Only you will know!
Bless you ayres, take care!.........
Its extremely unlikely to be cardiac in origin.
Its extremely unlikely to be a pulmonary embolus.
It is almost certainly muscular in origin.
No big deal.
Stop worrying.
Just had a further thought before I make my cup of tea............extremely unlikely again, but GERD could be a "rank outsider".........mention this to your doctor.........Google it.
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cheers sqaud thats made me feel a little better but i will defnitly mention when i go back to hospital cheers all have a good boxing day
I have been diagnosed with GERD after a lot of years of misdiagnosis and a battery of heart related tests, sometimes the symptoms of gerd can seem cardiac related, I would mention it definitely!
Gastro reflux can cause horrible chest pain, similarly complaints like costochondritis or a rib slipping out of place.

I have had each and all were sorted pretty easily by drugs to stop the acid reflux, anti-inflammatories and an brilliant osteopath.

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