Hello all, not been here for a few days.. continuiing saga of bad ear... back to docs today just finished second lot of antibiotics, amoxicillan 250 mg /3 for 5 days and clarithromycin 250 mg x2 for 7 days, pain still intense but oozing stopped. The doc was unwilling to give me anymore tabs and said it was just time till the perforation healed and to grin and bear it !!! I am climbing the walls as in addition to the pain I have a loud constant buzzing in my head, not getting much sleep and now have banging headache too !! How long DOES a perforation take to heal ?
Ta Sqad... don't think I'm pregnant do you ???? Seriously I think I will try doc again, the problem is the time scale as they are only open tomorrow and close again 'till Thursday next week. Doubt I will get an appt. Would it be in order to present myself at A & E ? feel a bit bad about wasting valuable time when broken bodies are arriviing in ambulances
Ever thought of becomimg one of these flying docs Sqad ? Would only take an hour or so to get to Edinburgh !! Lots of mince pies and choccies left yet !!!! Will phone surgery tomorrow. will let you know how I get on ! Thanks for your advice !