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The evil weed.....

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mrs.chappie | 21:46 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | Body & Soul
90 Answers
Wacky baccie.....some think it should be legalised and use it as a painkiller. Has anyone used it for this purpose?


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Mike, you accidentally stole some rolls from the supermarket yesterday. You considered returning them but assumed they would be rock-hard today. Or have I got the wrong ABer?
Although I live with constant pain Mrs C, I would not consider weed, i think it leads on to more nasty and hard drugs!..........would never want to put myself in that position!........
Oh, sorry. Totally different topic. Yes I ate two of the rolls but sneaked two back into the tray at Sainsbury's this morning as they were rock solid. I call that an honourable draw. Pity the poor sod who bought them!
lol craft. I've given up smoking, I'm surviving on passive now.
I was often tempted to try weed to relieve pain but have never found anyone selling it. I understand they give it to patients in hospices to alleviate pain, so I`ll just have to wait until then, I suppose.
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I agree with you, welsh. Although there are some who think it's no worse than smoking a fag. My niece and nephew being two of them.
It is not addictive and does not lead onto other drugs. That's just weak people wanting to try different drugs.
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How did you sleep last night, carlton?
Ive not used it as a pain killer but I know of 2 people that have with great results, If I was in pain I wouldn't hesitate.
Mike..... come down off that cross and tell the truth, You never took those rolls back.....did you?
OK, you sussed me. The birdies got the other two.
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He certainly did, gran. And he'd took a bite out of 'em as well.
it's very effective with certain types of pain, and people with long term illness aren't likely to progress onto harder drugs!

One downside is that to smoke it, tobacco has to be added, but some people bake fairy cakes.
Mrs C,I'm still a smoker, think I always will be!..................I cope with the pain! but only just!.....I ill continue with my fight for survival!.......I will continue, have so much to survive for!...........and I will survive!.........
Like a log mrs c, but I`ve been getting twinges today which I put down to a drive with my wife into the country and a drink in a lovely thatched pub, in Dorset. The beer was called `Piddle`...seriously, brewed in Dorset, and there is a river Piddle, in Piddletrenthide
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Does anyone know if it tastes the same as smoking an ordinary fag?
carlton. great you had a good sleep and a lovely day in the country..anne
No, it doesn`t taste the same as a cigarette. It burns the back of your throat.
It tastes nothing like tobacco, Mrs C.
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Glad you had a good night's sleep, carlton. Sorry to hear about the twinges.

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