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The evil weed.....

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mrs.chappie | 21:46 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | Body & Soul
90 Answers
Wacky baccie.....some think it should be legalised and use it as a painkiller. Has anyone used it for this purpose?


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That report about the halluciogenic properties of dope says that they are very low. I would agree with that. In my limited knowledge of dope and the THC that is in it would imply that there are more mind altering properties in a bottle of champagne than a joint.
Choose your poison, 237SJ.
Mine would certainly be the champagne.
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Mine too, or Cava if I couldn`t afford champagne :-) My thoughts on dope are just what I have observed from other people and my limited experience of the stuff. It`s not really my cup of tea.
I used it recreationally for 8 years, gave it up 11 years ago. You do know that it's 6 X the carcinogens of Tobacco?
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Crumbs. I'm glad I don't smoke.
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No, you're wrong, it was on QI so it must be true!
Mrs C. You`re right to think that. I went to Barbados about 8 years ago with a friend on her pre-wedding holiday. We ended up buying dodgy cigarettes from the hotel chef. I`m not into drugs at all but I am open to ideas as far as `when in Rome` etc. We bought the stuff from the chef and on the last night we settled oursleves down on the balcony. I felt the effects before my friend did. I knew I was hammered and stagged off to bed. She stayed on the balcony and finished the `cigarette`. When she went to bed she was hyperventilating and having panic attacks. The strange thing was, the next morning there was no hangover at all. That was the last time I have had dope. I will never do it again.
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i love QI.
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Crikey, that must've been frightening, 237.
It wasn`t frightening for me but I think my friend ( who is a bit of a worrier was frightened). Strange thing was, the next morning I found my knickers in my handbag. When I took them off the night before (under the influence) I must have thought that was a good place to put them!
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Each to their own, I'm not a great fan of legal chemical drugs, some of which are highly addictive.
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I remember many years ago, a lad in the darts team used to smoke it. One night we were walking home and he was spooked out by the drainage sinks alongside the road. He thought it was the same sink, following him home.

Mind you, it didn't put him off. He still smokes it now.
Little or no knowledge housemouse?
How old are you?
Maybe he was developing schizophenia. That happens with dope. We had someone in our village who became schizophenic from dope. He had really bad paranoia. A classic sympton of schizophenia.
whoops, schitzophrenia

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