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Do I need some sort of flush out for a Colonoscopy?

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RATTER15 | 23:14 Thu 21st Apr 2011 | Body & Soul
49 Answers
Due to a minor lower abdo pain, I visited my GP to be told I need to go to hospital so they can stick a camera up my jacksie,. Ive had my appointment for the Colo rectal surgery Clinic. I haven't been told or supplied with anything about flushing me out prior to the invasion, is this normal. I thought I needed meds to clear me out? or will they just give me an enema? I'm confused.


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One of my colleagues had a colonoscopy, came into work straight from the hospital, and then described the procedure in great detail..............
Lawks remind me not to ask about medical appointments on here. After reading this I wouldn't need the laxative!
They called it a colonoscopy when I went for it.

But, as I said before, by far the worst bit of it was downing the laxatives.....that was even worse than their inevitable effects.....there was so much of it to down.
Prudie, just to make sure you'll never need a laxative,

I'm lying on my side, mooning to the nurse, the cololnospic doctor person thingy asked her for a size 6, I mumbled 'didn't she have anything smaller?'
The girl at work didn't think it was funny when I asked if they'd used an instamatic.....
Oh dear, poor Ratter!
Ratters, good luck, I hope you get the thumbs up mate.
My tip for the day before tghe appointment, is to have eaten as little as humanly possible the day before that. Then drink as much as possible during the laxitive phase.

When you get really hungry and tired of water/squah or whatever have a hot marmite or oxo drink. Worked for me and it wasn't half as bad as I'd imagined.

Are you still with us ratter ! or are you wishing you'd never asked ?
My MIL has had both versions, ratter, she definitely needed someone with her. You won't feel like going to work afterwards, you're very empty.
I've had a barium enema in the past myself but it was a long while ago and things may have changed!
I've a feeling it's carakeel who is reading the postive posts to him :D

Chin up Ratter, it'll be fine xxx
I think it's great that ratter's taking the investigation, so many blokes won't go to the GP if they are worried about their health - when a lot can easily be remedied if you get to it early on. Chin up, ratter!
Yep, well said Boxtops. And this thread just goes to show how many others have had similar procedures. All in a days work for the medics.
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Funny isn't it, I'm feeling so much better, I may not even need this procedure!!!

Mick, >>I hope you get the thumbs up mate.<< whats with the thumbs!!! do you know something I dont? :-(

Procedure is on the 28th April at 10.00 :-(
We'll think of you ratter - remember to come back and tell us how you get on ;-)
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Ive just seen this and feeling I really dont need this, i think im cured already!!
Well I have had a camera 'u the jacksie' (LOL) and was not given a sedative - you dont need one. I was also allowed to drive home after the event, by myself, all alone because I didn't have a sedative. I was also sent the Picolax about a week before the appointment - you will not be able to go to work whilst that is going through your system though, Ratter. However, if you feel like me after I had mine,l you wont want to go to work :(

If you have the camera into your stomach then yes, a sedative will be given
stop googling ratter..... have a nice weekend, and forget about it until next week!
the 28th? wow, I'm surprised you haven't had your laxative already TBH
But GL - The worst bit is baring your bum lol
I was just thinking that PK - we have mail tomorrow in England then not again until Tuesday. Ratter - do you have a local chemist? - why don't you ask the pharmacist what to do if the laxative doesn't arrive before your appointment?
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Maybe I will give the hospital a ring.

I cant help thinking of the Dr's. that perform all this, why would anybody choose to specialise in such a field?

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Do I need some sort of flush out for a Colonoscopy?

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