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Morbid Question

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Beechy101 | 22:05 Sun 01st May 2011 | Body & Soul
177 Answers
If an elderly relative died at home during the night, who would you ring?

I don't mean family, i mean doctors/hospital, etc?

The doctors will obviously be shut & it obviously won't be a 999 emergency.


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Sorry to digress slightly Beechy, but chris whyever would you want to send someone bankrupt, make them and their family destitute and hope they comitted suicide. That's not good business, if being in business has taught me anything over the years it's that there's enough room for nearly everyone and it pays to be nice sometimes. Did you seriously say that?
Oh Chris, what is your problem, I would never encourage anyone to kill themselves! is a very precious thing!...........
Yes, but my opinions are unaffected by my alcohol intake.
I stand by my opinions.

If, as I do, you truly believe in 'survival of the fittest', you must take it to its logical conclusion.
Absolute nonsense Chris!!! I saw what my cousin's suicide did to my family! It's a bloody selfish thing to do!
Maybe your willingness to share them is though Chris....

You're coming across as a pretty sick cookie!!!!!!
I too am very saddened to read your replies Chris, and the naming of an organisation that promotes such, is irresponsible to say the least.
Chris, sorry! logic here!..............
Chris obviously hasn't seen the trauma of suicide. The effect it had on my 12 year old cousin when she found my aunt dead....
Chris, I posted an answer 30 minutes ago, seems too have gone. No swearing.Not into this site much now, why your morbid talk?
My point is that society will be better when we learn to celebrate when our friends and relatives commit suicide. I've never understood 'grief' as, to me, it seems to have nothing to do with actually caring about the deceased person (irrespective of the cause of death). It seems to be centred upon what the 'griever's' feel is missing in their lives (which, to me, seems to be incredibly self-centred, rather than genuinely 'caring').
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You have let yourself down badly tonight Chris.
going now!........Enough of this thread, noit going to help Chris at all! we should all just abandon it!...........not what it started off as!.........let's just all leave it now!.....think it's for the best!.......
Pinkilady, I am almost in tears reading your post...:-(
That's because it's sick Pinki...
you've upset a lot of people tonight, Chris. shame on you.
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This thread is getting stupid now - OP was not asking in chatterbank - I have given views and details freely - If anyone wants to talk about sucicide - start another thread
Ok folks!..........enough now!.........please can we all just leave it now!..........really think we should!........

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