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Quizmonster | 06:18 Thu 17th Nov 2011 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Two days ago, I lifted something awkwardly. There was a loud crack from my lower back area and I finished up in a crumpled heap on the floor. Throughout the day yesterday, I was convinced the pain was easing and I could get needed, but today it's worse. I was already taking Ibuprofen for something else anyway, so is there any point in seeing the doctor about this?


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A"loud crack!"...sounds as though this is a lower lumbosacral cartiliginous problem and as you do not describe a pain down your legs and confined to your back region, then I would suggest that no serious harm has been done.

For what reason were you taking ibuprofen and what strength?

I would certainly not take less than 600mgms in one dose for your pain relief.

At this point and with those symptoms, I would monitor the situation for 2 or 3 days before seeking medical advice.
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Oddly enough, S, the Ibuprofen was FOR a pain in my left leg! I suspected sciatica, but the doc offered the Ibu pills...400mg X 3 times a day...and an Ibu gel (Piroxicam) initially. The leg pain has largely disappeared, perhaps overwhelmed by the worse one! I'll up the dose as of now and take your advice as regards the next few days. Thank you.
\\The leg pain has largely disappeared, perhaps overwhelmed by the worse one!\\

" a loud crack" finished up in a crumpled heap" " today the pain is worse " maybe a good idea to seek medical advice today.
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Thanks for the thought, Anne, which is much as my partner said. However, perhaps I over-dramatised with the "crumpled heap" phraseology! Basically, I dropped to my knees on the floor at the time and, yesterday evening, I exacerbated matters pain-wise by constantly struggling to find a comfortable sleeping-position. If things are no better, I shall certainly see my GP on Monday, but so far the 600mg of Ibu seems to be doing the trick.

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