Dollypins, I can well understand your friend being upset at this new situation, but it will ease. She really must stay talking to her mother and her father and try to be unbiased. Nobody knows really how a marriage has been other than the two people who were married. I feel sorry for both, as for the husband, this must make him question the relationship he had with his wife. At the same time, it should also tell him that she did feel something very strong, call it deep friendship or love, for him if she stayed with him for all those years, despite knowing she was not living the "right" life for her. If he loved still does he will be dreadfully hurt by loosing her ... regardless whether to another man or a woman. There is no point really in stating it is not his fault, nor hers either, as nobody outside of these two know what has gone on thoughout the years. For her, living a life she must have felt was so wrong and yet so right in some ways, must have been extremely difficult. She seems to have waited until your friend is old enough to be faced with the reality of her mother's life. So please, try to help your friend by listening, not judging either of the parents. Try to see both sides and try to help your friend to see both sides. I wish you all the best. It is good that she has a friend she can turn to.