and this is what our society produces today. omg. you and your friend need to seriously get a grip. what about feeling sorry for her mum and mourning the last 16 years of her life? ok her dad is upset and a marriage has ended, but her mum may well have loved her dad very much. apportioning blame and pointing fingers in any way is still akin to discrimination here, people and this poster should know better and so should her friend at 18 - they are adults for christ's sake! relationships are complicated, people are complicated - her dad would have felt cheated if she had been having an affair with a man for the last five years. it's not about her being lesbian, it's not about him 'wasting' 16 years of his life - they had a marriage, a home, a child and lives during that point. you all sound like you need a slap round the head. breakups hurt and if everybody 'mans up' (pun intended here) then the relationship and breakup can be dealt with in a more positive and less damaging manner and mum, dad and your friend could actually (gasp) be happier for it in the long run. hurumph.