i have been prescribed ranitidine in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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i have been prescribed ranitidine

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emmie | 07:20 Wed 08th Feb 2012 | Body & Soul
61 Answers
anyone else take this medicine for acid reflux.
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em, erythromycin is evil stuff, it goes straight through me - I can't take it any more.
Em10. I am by no means medically qualified, but after suffering for several years the most debilitating pain, all of which was ignored by doctors, I had two operations for stomach ulcers (the first was life threatening perforation - I even ignored that pain at first because I was frequently turned away by doctors - I obviously was not conveying what was happening very well!). Even after the second voluntary op, I was still in considerable pain and taking Zantac regularly. Finally, my doctor had a eureka moment and did a test for H. Pylori (see this link and the first common sympton - Acid Reflux). The test was positive. I took one mega course of antibiotics (Heliclear) and since that week, I've not had a twinge. I felt as though I had been given a "miracle". So please do ask your doctor for this test. I'm sure the medically qualifieds here will perhaps argue against this, and it may not be the cause in your case, but I promise you this is what happened to me and it had ruined my life for a number of years. This may not be the cause in your case but it is worth asking/insisting on this simple test.

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i am sorry, confusion reigns, getting these things wrong way round. But suffice to say, antibiotics gave me the runs, and various acid suppressant the opposite. Don't get ill
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boxy, i know remember when we discussed this before....
overthertop and that is on the cards, H Pylori, i too have trouble adequately explaining, and these symptoms have caused them and me to get confused,
but i reckon it's all gastric in origin, i have had coughing bouts for years, no explanation, never have smoked, and no one ever knew about, or at least suggested possible acid reflux, and that coughing fit carried on after christmas for almost two weeks, and i was given a cough suppressant by the doctor.


Eddie if you check the links you will see that Omeprazole and Ranitidine are two different drugs all the also known as names are listed.

Em10 You might be better to live with and treat a bit of constipation right now than live with the pain of the reflux. Go back to your GP and discuss your worries again... I think you might be helped by antidepressants too as they would help you cope with the distress and anxiety ... this will in turn probably help with some of the physical symptoms as gut problems are often made much worse with a psychological element... think about times when you were really anxious in the past I bet you had a wobbly stomach and felt sick.. take that out of the mix and it might also be clearer to work out the source of the problem too. Modern ones especially the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like sertraline, citalopram etc are not really addictive in the way things like valium were.. and so long as you tail them off over a couple of weeks when its time to stop no problem at all.
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rowan, i had a breakdown years ago, lots of reasons for it, and was given endless medication, no idea how much damage they did to my body, but i have never been the same since.
Been there twice Em wiith a long history of other mental health issues... its taken years of trial and error to find something that works and a way of managing the side effects (citalopram but it gives me reflux so I take lanzoprazole one week in three to settle it down ) but for the first time I really feel almost normal without the dives into despair and self loathing.Still get minor dips but I manage those with diet exercise and distraction mostly There are new drugs coming onstream now as well so its worth reconsidering at least a short trial just to get you through this episode... It might be better for your GP to refer you to a mental health specialist to work alongside the doctors looking at your physical problems as they will have a better idea of the new options...
Eddie, that is just not true - ranitidine and omeprazole are totally different drugs that work in a different way. They are given for the same problems (but so are morphine and paracetamol, but noone would suggest they were the same!)
em, did you visit your GP?
What did s/he say?
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oj, have to see GP today, will tell them about taking it before, have ct scan next week as well as further blood tests.
hope all goes/has gone well
Hi Em just a note, re your acid reflux. Some (I would underline some) people who have hypothyroid problems can suffer acid reflux and it is also known in some people who have coeliacs disease which affects the stomach and intestines (thyroid and coeliacs can go hand in hand). So I was wondering... thinking about your previous post where you told us how you've been suffering for such a long time, if it could be something along those lines. I know acid reflux is also a symptom of various other ailments too so I'm not saying that thyroid or coeliacs is your problem but to bear in mind about them. An indicator which MAY also give a clue to someone having hypothyroidism is to take the temperature every morning before you get out of bed and if it's below the normal temp...it could (in some people) point towards that problem. I'm just trying to throw some ideas in the ring to give you some food for thought as you seem to be suffering so much at the moment. I hope the tests and scan will help you and give you the answers you need. Best of luck.
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daisy thanks for the info, certainly one of my gp's is intent on doling out the anti depressants, as opposed to much else, so no to that. And i reckon you are onto something, what worries me most of all is the weight loss, it's been dramatic despite eating ok. If they tell me after the next blood test that is not thyroid, then not sure what else to do. At this stage i wish i had enough capital to go private, the waiting for blood tests results, and scans is endless, and adds to the stress..
em, that sounds like a lot more than acid reflux/depression
What tests have you had done?
As daisy says it could be linked to bowel problems. I am convinced my acid reflux is linked to me IBS and my IBS was properly diagnosed
I have to watch the contents of what I eat as it can send my tummy off into a right ol frenzy
What is your poo like? Ok, not a great subject of convo at this time of the day, but it could be worth looking at that end too?
sorry, delete the 'acid reflux' bit in my first sentence. Should read

"em, that sounds like a lot more than depression "
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oj, the doctors did take a stool sample and for no reason i can tell you they haven't told me the results, it didn't look good, but it's been very changeable, light brown this morning, not breakfast conversation is it.
I didn't think it was depression, and i didn't go to docs originally with tummy problems, but terrible blocked ears and a pulsating ear, and the tinnitus was a 100 times worse, alongside a sore throat. They asked me if i had a fever, in the cold light of day i probably did, but how would anyone know? The bad stomach pains came on after i took the erymycin, but cannot confirm that was the cause of the constant diarrhoea.
no, not breakkie convo at all but, I have to agree with daisy even more now
If I were you, I'd go back to your Dr and ask for stool test results or more stool tests if they are lost
If it is along those lines, it can be ruled out pretty quickly
It is not right that you are still feeling like this - I remember reading your other posts about your blocked ears etc.
Bowel issues can affect your whole being, making you feel down right awful and give you symptoms very similar to depression - this sounds like me 12/13 years ago until diagnoses
Keep at your GP em - hope you feel well soon
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oj, thank you, as mentioned one of the GP thinks it's entirely depression, so it's an uphill battle. IBS had been mentioned by one GP, so you can see why i am not convinced by their diagnosis, as they don't see to confer/agree. I did want to ask the GP the other day, but after waiting for 50 minutes to see him, i was ushered in and then out, ten minutes flat. Various tests one of which is a further bloods to see if it shows abnormal thyroid. It's true that now i have become very worried, weight loss without a significant cause should be. I was trying to cut back mid part of last year, but most weight has come off in the last 6 weeks.
Hoping to put your mind at rest a little, before diagnoses, I lost 3 stone in 6 weeks - as you can imagine I was seriously worried.
I found asking the DP's receptionist for a double appointment was better than the general time of 5/10 mins. Write a list of what you want to ask and dont leave till you're done
Let us know how things progress and hopefully you'll get there quickly :)
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oj, have a follow up with doctor late next week, to evaluate blood tests, and scan what i don't know when the endoscopy and colonoscopy will be some time in March?

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