Hi, I am 40 years old and I am 8 weeks and 4 days pregnant (my first pregnancy). The only symptom I have had to date is sore breasts. Other than that I feel well.
I am extremely anxious about the fact that some days my breasts are excruciatingly sore and some days they are hardly sore at all. My symptoms disappeared last week and as a result I had a transvaginal ultrasound scan last week at 7 weeks 5 days and all was well - heartbeat detected. For the last couple of days my breasts have not been very sore and I am panicking that this means something bad - despite the fact that this has happened before and all was good with the scan. My home pregnancy tests are still coming up positive. Is it normal for sore breasts to come and go?
I know it's easier said than done, but try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy, especially if as you say its a miracle one, its a wonderful time and it'd be quite sad (for you) if the 9 months is marred by fretting.
worrying wont make a jot of difference to the outcome of your pregnancy, and will just serve to make you miserable for the next seven months. Just remember, the vast majority of pregnancies turn out ok, and there is no reason to suppose yours wont be one of those :)
Congratulations , think that you are being a little worried ,why not buy a second hand feotal monator ,then when you get worried you can listen to baby's heartbeat -its what my daughter did and she said it was like a weight being lifted eaxch time. Good Luck xx
Yeah NannyBooby that had crossed my mind but as Bednobs says, it won't do me much good at the moment! Just trying to stay calm lol x Sore boobs are back tonight so that makes me feel better. Isn't pregnancy an enigma!!!
I worried myself sick through out each of my pregnancies. As the others have said, it won't make any difference. Easier said than done, but try and relax and enjoy it - wait till the little one starts kicking, that's really cool!
Just a wee update. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage shortly after this post so I wasn't imagining things. One thing it has taught me is that you cannot read anything into symptoms when you are pregnant. I was still testing a strong positive on pee sticks and had a return of all my pregnancy symptoms despite the fact that my pregnancy had ended. Apparently the placenta can still produce pregnancy hormones even after a foetus has died. Wish me luck next time x
That is such a shame,so sorry. An amazing amount of first pregnancies end in miscarriage in the erly months. Mine did. I wish you loads of luck next time and there is a very, very high chance that all will be well x
The result of my second pregnancy is 29 years old now!!
really sorry to hear that. In better news, once your body has learnt how to do it once, you are much more likely to do it again. I tried for 9 years to get PG, then once i had been PG, i got pg again 3 months after i had her (although she was stillborn) then got pg again four months after i'd had him (although he died at a day old). It feels like i've been pregnant for the last 2 years continuously!