Ive lost count of the amount of times ive banged on here about coldsores...
But is it normal to have at least one probobly monthly now!?
If its not my lip its up my nose or on the end of my nose!? I spend a bomb on aciclovir and compeed patches never mind all the other stuff i try and im absolutley sick of having them and wasting money and they keep coming back!!
The patches with good hygeine stop me spreading them but they keep erupting its really peeing me off :0(
Tinkerbell. 4-get might well be right. It sounds very much like impetigo and you could need antibiotics to clear it up. My son had it and what you are describing was just how his was, all around the nose mouth and chin area. Blisters and infected. Impetigo is also very infectious.
I did suspect it once with a bad breakout! But im positive these are your typical coldsores :0( when it was the bad one i was stickin HC45 on ot and everything aswell as savlon! Uurrgghh
I have blistex i love that! I also have cymex and acixlovir! Lol i have everything! Docs tomorro LL its open surgery- other than that id wait weeks for an app! Prib have a new coldsore by then lol.