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You did WHAT with your hair?

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thikasabrik | 16:22 Sun 15th May 2005 | Body & Soul
21 Answers

One or two hair stories crept into Your Mother Made You Wear WHAT, so let's have a laugh with some bad hair tales.

Mine is a toss up between my Twink home perms of the 80's cos I wanted 'big' hair, and our annual holiday in 1967 when my mum gave me a shampoo and set. I had the hairstyle of a 75 year old on a 10 year old head (and to keep it 'nice' she made me wear a headscarf tied under my chin. Argh!)

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my adopted mother fed my hair through one of those old fashioned mangles that not many on here will my adopted dad took me to the barbers and had my hair cut short back and sides to stop her doing such things..i still cant stand my hair being pulled to this day..ouch..

In the 1970's(not long after I was born) my Father decided that his Black hair was getting grey hairs.So he thought (without advice,and because there was no mens hair dye then) to try a dark brown to look natural.All well and good you may say,unfortunately he left it on too long (he was absorbed in Football on TV!) and when he neutralised and rinsed it,it was bright ORANGE! Not only that it had become incredibly bouffant.The next morning he was due to chair the weekly staff meeting,well did he get some stick!

Some colleagues still tease him about it !!!

I had my long hair cut off when I was in my thirties..I am now ...56 and it is my biggest regret.Try as I might it will not grow long and thick anymore.I can remember in the sixties having it put up every week in curls and sleeping with toilet paper round it to keep it in place.It was like a rats nest by the time Saturday came round to get it done again.When it was long I used to hang it over the ironing board with a piece of brown paper over it and my friend used to iron it for me to straighten it.
I can remember the mangle but luckily Mum never put my hair through it !!

Back when we were still dating, my husband was about to go to the salon to get a perm, when brilliant me said I could save him the money by giving him a home perm.  I don't know what inspired me to say that - I'd never done one before.  Anyway, we went to the drugstore, bought a kit, and went back to his apartment.  It looks so easy when a professional stylist wraps your hair in rods...but somehow it took me like three hours, and I'd used up all the rods provided with the kit, and only about 2/3 of his hair was wrapped.  It was now late at night, and we needed more rods, so I suggested that Meijer's (a 24-hour department store) probably sold perming rods.  He not-too-happily pulled on a hooded sweatshirt, with the hood over his head, despite the fact that it was July and about 90 degrees outside.  I innocently asked "do you want me to go with you?"  He looked at me increduously and responded "Well, I sure as **** am NOT walking into a store with my hair like this!!!"


In the end the perm turned out not-too-bad after all, but he never asked me to do his hair again.

Way back in 1959 when I was only 12 years old, my friend Mavis's Mum & Dad took her & me on holiday to Hayle in Cornwall for two weeks. Mum sent me to the hairdressers for a trim & I was so excited I couldn't sleep for nights beforehand!

However, when we arrived, Mavis's Mum suggested that in order to keep my lovely long hair tangle free, that I wear - wait for it - a pink hair net. I said I'd be fine, but she insisted on me wearing this every single day for the whole two weeks & I hated it. 

I came home from the holiday as tanned & as healthy looking as one could be, but I didn't tell my Mum, Dad or siblings about the hair net saga. I didn't need to, as Mr Shepherd came round with some lovely photo's of us! When Mum looked at them, she gave me a knowing smile & whispered "never mind, we know what you look like without it", bless her.

(Honestly, if you could see the photo's of me with this thing on my head, fringe tucked inside too, skinny & wearing a swim suit that hung down to my knees when I emerged from the sea - you'd crack up)! 

I myself had a terrible perm when I was about 11.  I don't think any photos exist thankfully.  I also have a similar story to mystress' - when I was 14 my cousin died and my uncle's ex-wife came to the funeral with her new husband who I had never met before.  He was in his 60s I think and had apparently attempted to dye his grey hair with Harmony colour, which had turned pink!  If anything can lighten up a funeral it was that sight.
When I was 10, my mum wanted me to have my hair cut like Lady Di, the result was a mullet, and my hair is curly. I was absolutely mortified going into school, my big sister tried to help me out by tying up the short bit which was marginally better � for months I had a pineapple head.
So many bad hair stories- where to start! Once I let my husband highlight my hair from a home kit and it was left on too long and turned my hair white- I had to cut bits out to try to make it look better. Another time I went to the local college to have my hair permed by students. I told her I definately didn't want to look like a pensioner, I wanted a natural look. I ended up with the perm from hell- I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. The hairdresser actually said "how wide do you want it?" as she kept fluffing it out higher and higher! It's never save to leave scissors near me as if I get a bit fed up I start cutting my hair. One time I started on the crown and ended up with it about an inch long standing up on top of my head! Help! When I went to the hairdresser I blamed my husband.
My dad used to make me stand on a chair in the kitchen and cut my fringe with these MASSIVE scissors ...... NICE!
when i was 10 my aunties friend cut my fringe, only got completely carried away and left  about half an inch, i looked like a monk and got the mick taken out of me something rotten for weeks, the worst part was my mum and dad laughed as well!
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it's a good job we can all look back and laugh....I think!
as i grew up  mostly  in the 60s  i hated  my trips  to the barbershop after school. It was always  old men who never spoke much  but gave you  a really  short back and sides  with  brylcream. i used to feel  so silly  and very  self concious after receiving this. Id love to chat to anyone  who suffered short haircuts in childhood  especially  the lady  oxeyedaisy  who replied here.
I had always wanted a sid vicious style when I was 12 in 77 and maintained my interest in punk music but the style had progressed and I wanted a mohican at 14. I was not allowed but my mother told me I could have one when I leave school. So I got one the day I left school at 16, dyed it bright red and kept it till I was 27.

You've given me a few giggles you guys!

When i was about 9 or 10 my mum went in the bath and said she would trim my fringe when she got out, me being the impatient 'get' that i am thought i'd have a go myself and rather like toecrusher i ended up with a very wonky half inch fringe which mum then had to cut even shorter to level the ruddy thing off! we used to go around my gran's every friday and i dreaded going round there and seeing the family for about a month or so.

I used to hate my hair when i was a kid my mum never used to let me grow as she thought i wouldn't look after it, so a short bob with a menacingly thick fringe was what i got stuck with for 13 years of my life.

When i was 13 my dad took us to disneyland florida so i thought for some reason it was going to be soooo hot i would have my hair all chopped off, well i looked like a boy! I hated it and even more so when it was growing out i looked like i had the worst mullet known to god!

Never again will i have short hair unless i start to look rubbish with long hair!

i love hearing  others  haircut stories  especially from childhood as i pretty much dreaded mine. i used to wonder if girls  with the short bobs  at school  hated haircuts  as much as i did.  Mind you  i think a bob is so classic now.keep the stories comming  please if anyone wishes  to email me there haircut tales  please do.  john
Approximately 5 years ago my daughter wanted to have streaks in her hair. Not wanting to spend too much money on this exercise it was decided that I would do it for her. All went accordingly until the colour had to be rinsed out. Not having read the instructions properly I pulled the cap off - very painful and rinsed with hot water. Not the correct procedure. My poor daughter had "doll's hair" and it was bright peroxide blonde streaks. 16 years old is a difficult enough age without the interference of mother. She refused to be seen out, therefore would not go to school. An appointment was made at the hairdressers and they rectified it, but it was a costly exercise both financially and psychologically.
gosh  16 is an awkward age  so was it fixed  ok? did the have to cut any to sort it.She  was brave letting you do it.
I was eight years old and had been bugging my dad to have my haircut so I could spike it.  He eventually agreed and took me to a barber he knew.  I sat in the chair grinning and requested the style, making sure he knew exactly what I wanted.  After being reassured, he began, flicking the clippers on then zoom straight down the middle of my head.  Shocked at the Krusty wannabe staring back at me in the mirror I turned to my dad for help who was uncontrollably ******* himself barely able to stay in his chair and was soon joined by the barber.  I just sat the crying while the old git finished me off.  Even now in my mid twenties when i've been for a haircut he asks why I don't opt for it all off.
Hi   interesting story about the barbers .I used to think some barbers got a kick out of shearing boys short im certain they did. I always used to wonder  if girls too  ever suffered  really short haircuts  from  scissor happy salons   or  even barbers  or  home haircuts. im sure there must have been  wannabe  dads at home  weilding clippers. I love hearing other peoples stories.
I actually work in a barbers, there are 5 women and one bloke who works there (he is the owner).  I will always do what the client wants, and if they haven't got a clue then I will do something I know will suit them. My boss (fella) is old skool, and most of the time his haircuts are ok. But sometimes they are very "iffy" but no-one ever says anything (including the customer) as he is the boss!!  So, if you find someone you like, stick with them!!

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