sexless relationship in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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sexless relationship

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nailit | 20:20 Wed 04th Apr 2012 | Body & Soul
50 Answers
could you / do you, live in a sexless relationship?
How important is sex to a relationship?
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So are you saying Sqad that if your partner (sorry I say partner as I am unsure of your 'likes') went off of sex you would seek it elsewhere?

That is not a marriage a marriage is sticking with the good and the bad being there in the good times and the bad
fred........difference between "need" and "want".....so yes, if I needed sex, I would seek it elsewhere.

You definition of marriage I respect.........however it is a theoretical definition not borne out by the facts.
regular trips to the std clinic can be in interesting addition to any sexless relationship
I left my first wife with three children, there was no love left when I move out. My Ex then married a nice guy and he was a great father to my children, I moved on and I am now very happy as well. My children were brought up in a happy loving environment, if I had stayed that would not have been the case. I have a great relationship with my children, it was a bit tough on them at the time but they settled into the situation well and now fully understand why I left the home. No regrets.
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Scorpio, do you live in the UK?
scorpio....I have no idea what you are talking about......I have answered your question on the hips thread.........read it. We seem to be singing from different hymn sheets as i am not laughing at you at all.
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I had experience of this when I was married and I could have coped without the sex if the loving had not stopped as well. The loss of an intimate relationship is a big thing ( if it had been good and suddenly stopped ) . I asked my husband so many many times what was wrong. What could I do to rekindle the relationship and he just replied that he loved me and there was nothing wrong. Then the cuddles stopped , and the linking of hands ( I know soppy eh ) and all things that were affectionate. Then it all went tits up. I still loved him when I walked away.
never confuse your sex life with your married life!
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Some interesting replies there folks.
Mrs nailit started to go off sex a couple of years ago blaming it with been on the change. THIS I dont have a problem with. What I DO have a problem with is the fact that she wont seek any help and point blank refuses to talk about it.
I'll probably get shot down for saying this but I find it a selfish attitude to have in a relationship. Similar to scorpio, I find myself fantasising about sex with my exes.
It is selfish. If you're going to put a stop to something important in a relationship, the least you can do is talk about it.
In your case then nailit, I would ask her if she is OK with you seeking a sexual partner elsewhere.
I agree it is selfish.
Does she realise the damage she doing to your relationship?

\\\\What I DO have a problem with is the fact that she wont seek any help and point blank refuses to talk about it.\\\\

This is not uncommon with women and there is "bu99er all2 that you can do about it.

\\\ I find myself fantasising about sex with my exes.\\\

Fantasising about sex is normal....but with your exes????

\\\\In your case then nailit, I would ask her if she is OK with you seeking a sexual partner elsewhere.\\\\

For God's sake, don't go down that road............just go and do it though.
I find it very difficult to understand why some people refuse, point blank, to have sex.

It's fun.

Although having kids does make it difficult to be spontaneous...
I remember the first Mr Craft's mother saying to me one day "You really enjoy sex don't you". When I'd picked myself up from the floor I said "Well, yes, doesn't everyone?"
She replied "I was just glad when his father stopped wanting it"..............I felt very sorry for the pair of them.
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//Fantasising about sex is normal....but with your exes????//
I've had some very adventurous exes squad.
//Does she realise the damage she doing to your relationship?//
Dont think she does chelle. Her head is very firmly buried in the sand. I'm not the cheating type and am not about to go off looking for an affair, but if the offer came my way I dont know if I would have the will to resist.
A marriage without sex is nothing more than a friendship to me. And I'm not short on friends.
I agree that love and affection are more important, but yes, sex can be fun. Not always in the mood though !!

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