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Finishing Sentences

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smurfchops | 18:27 Thu 26th Apr 2012 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
I have noticed that when my 74year old uncle is having a conversation he starts a sentence, doesn't finish it, and carries on with what he wanted to say. It makes for disjointed conversation especially when he is with friends, sometimes its a bit hard to work out what he is talking about. Is this a sign of dementia?


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Sounds like a normal conversation with my OH & her family ;-), but as long as he's otherwise fully compismentis , then nothing to worry about.
happens all the time round this house. Has it never happened before, or have you just not noticed? It could be a sign of wandering attention or failing memory (though even that doessn't necessarily mean dementia).
I have a friend who does that S. Drives me nuts because I`m trying to follow or join in with, as you say,a disjointed conversation and it`s impossible.
It may be with your uncle a sign of dementia, but you will need to be aware of other changes before worrying.
yes one sign only, but also a sign of a busy household or busy mind ...

does he read books or the paper and do crosswords, or whatever he has always enjoyed?

make sure he is not dehydrated and does not have a kidney infection, or similar!

maybe trip to GP?
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Thanks all, yes very busy mind, active person, crosswords etc. So no worries then. :)
starts a sentence, doesn't finish it, and carries on with what he wanted to say.
I have no idea what that means.
maybe he just senses that you have got the idea of what he menat and doesnt need to continue?

or maybe he thinks you wont undertsand and just decided he cant be bothered to explain it fully
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Howard, to give you an example, he would say something like "my wife .... (silence)..... so then we went to Tesco".
the key is busy active mind. Both my late husband and i did this but only to each other. You kind of have the rst of the conversation in your mind very quickly and kind of "assume" that the person you are talking to has followed your train of thought.
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woofgang, that's just what it seems like.

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