I can answer this speaking from a similar experience. I was with my ex for five years and although he never hit me (and tried to make me feel lucky for that fact) he was emotionally abusive, constantly belittling (sp?) me in front of friends and colleagues and a whole host of other unpleasant stuff that I'm not going to go into detail about. I knew in my heart of hearts that our relationship was not going to last much longer but I simply didn't have the strength to leave him as I thought that being with someone (no matter how wrong) was better than being alone. In the end I fell for someone else (I'll call him Tom) which made finishing my five year relationship easier as I wasn't going to be on my own. Although "Tom" wasn't married he wasn't emotionally available to me (although I didn't realise that at the time). The relationship with "Tom", naturally, didn't work out. But what it did do was give me the strength to leave my abusive boyfriend for which I am thankful. It made me realise that I wasn't neccesarily going to be on my own for the rest of my life and that other people could find me attractive. What you have to do is simple. Realise that you are vunerable and that this married guy you have fallen for is not available to you - he never can be unless he decides independently of you that his marriage is over. This married man could cause you heartache if you allow your relationship to continue while he is still married - you have done the hard part and ended a long relationship with your husband. Now be strong, take the final step and finish your affair too - being alone isn't all that bad, although it does take a little while to realise it!! Good luck xx