I have been given a prescription of antibiotics for a bite on my leg which has become infected. They are to be taken four times a day either, one hour before food or on an empty stomach. How long after eating a meal, do I have to wait before my stomach is empty? I know it depends on how much I eat but generally speaking, how long does it take?
Will this be o.k.?
Tablet at 7 o'clock. Breakfast at 8 o'clock
Tablet at mid day. Lunch at 1 o'clock
Tablet at 6o'clock. Tea at 7 o'clock
Tablet at 10.30pm
Why, thank you, Mr. Van Dyke.
Not perfect, unfortunately. You should see my leg! I think I got bitten in the charity shop. This is the fourth bite I've had on my leg in the same number of weeks and my second lot of antibiotics.
I called in sick today. Sick of getting bitten.
I'm on the Fluclox too - horse-fly bite in my case - managed to get the pills started before it really went nasty and it is clearing up nicely now. Your timings are pretty much what I am using.
I think they're good when new - not sure how many washes the impregnation survives. I've got one of the hats & that works reasonably well for mossies etc
............and trousers you can take the bottom of the legs off so that you look really good. Especially when you'r wearing your socks with your sandals.