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Smowball | 14:52 Tue 11th Sep 2012 | Body & Soul
89 Answers
Over a long girly lunch yesterday we got around to chatting about partners/hubbies as per usual! We were asking each other what we would never ever forgive them for doing. All very different answers, but most of us had a specific thing that we just could not forgive.

So is there anything specific that you ladies(and men!) just wouldnt be able to forgive, or would it entirely depend on the circumstances?


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mazie, so if he goes off, has a love affair or several one night stands, you would, could forgive. Loving someone a great deal i can understand, but not to the point they make a complete fool of you.
em10, if that happens they usually make a fool of themselves
sibton, i know, but i have seen some women friends take men back when they have been beaten black and blue, been cheated on and still they said they loved them and couldn't live without them. Not something i understand at all.
sibby...for God's sake your avatar is turning me on.........
Sqad I await your pleasure

Em10, no I cannot understand that either
it's Debbie Harry in case you didn't know..
Sometimes it's a case of:

'Can I live without him/her?'
'Would I rather be with him/her or without?'
'Could I handle him/her being with someone else?'
'If I'm not with him/her I could end up with someone worse or on my own'

If the cheated on partners love for the cheater is strong enough they stay together and the cheated on partner deals with the infidelity in their own way
Sorry em, had a phone call. Several one night stand I could get over. A love affair maybe would be different. I don't think loving someone makes a fool of you, It makes you accept human frailties. I know what ever happen my old man loves me but I do know he could be seduced. I'm weird, so I would just ignore me
That just about sums it up Luke. I wouldn't want to be without mine, although sometimes I would gladly do him harm.

ps. He's never cheated
em10, I do look like her xx
sibton, that is her, or my eyes are getting worse.
sqad just fell off his perch
oh jeeze, you don't do you sibton? She aint pretty anymore!
Mazie, no one can say 100 percent their partner is faithful, of that i am certain. You hope they are, and if they do go off with someone then it hurts like the devil.
that is debbie harry, no question... c'mon.. x
B00 we all get older, she's OH's favourite, so why do you think he married me?
ok ok em10 it's deborah harry
I'm sure you're right em. I don't think about it much
I wouldn't forgive because I value my peace of mind too much. I love my OH as much as I love my mental and emotional state intact, but if push came to shove, the latter would come first.
sibton, can put the glasses back then, ta.
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There are people who have affairs because they are deeply unhappy at home, their wife/husband may be ill and incapable of a physical relationship, and then there are the people who have a loving spouse and a good home and just enjoy the thrill of having a bit on the side and do it just becuse they can.

Either way, i for one just could not forgive.

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