How it Works0 min ago
Anger Management
11 Answers
I live in West Yorkshire (but thats not the reason I'm angry, it is gods own country after-all) But it has dawned on me that I need to enroll on some kind of anger management course, doe's anyone know where I should start looking?
if you want to move forward and stop the rot, then suggest a visit to the GP, or find one that's nearer to you, this won't go away on it's own, professional help is on the cards, otherwise your somewhat unhelpful friend may be right. The two are linked by the way, and a host of other things besides. Low self esteem, isolation, self inflicted or indeed because of...
07:29 Sun 24th Mar 2013
I'm not consciously aware of any underlying reason other than the particular circumstance that I find myself in at the time my anger flares up, I should also make this point, I dont always turn into some kind of aggressive freak shouting abuse and threats or hit out at people. Sometimes I turn "inward" and stew over things, I have even taken it out on people around me long after the situation or reason has passed. This is w*nk I feel like a total douche, I've been living like this for years and now I'm aware of it I'm gutted, and ironically I'm angry with myself because i never saw it sooner.
then you need to seek out help of GP first, he/she can assess you, and put you in touch with support, counselling, you could go private, but that is very costly. This may sound like asking for personal stuff but do you get depressed, as often the two are intertwined, been in this position, so it's worth discussing with your local GP, is it someone you can confide and trust in?
Yeah, thinking about it I do get depressed sometimes, but I have never linked the two before. I haven't spoken to my doctor for at least five years, in fact the surgery has moved since I was last there. Looking back it's cost me two relationships, and a boat load of friends, an ex of mine told me awhile back that I'm going to end up a lonely old man. Old is inevitable, it's the lonely part that I want to alter.
if you want to move forward and stop the rot, then suggest a visit to the GP, or find one that's nearer to you, this won't go away on it's own, professional help is on the cards, otherwise your somewhat unhelpful friend may be right. The two are linked by the way, and a host of other things besides. Low self esteem, isolation, self inflicted or indeed because of where one lives, can add to the problem. Loneliness is also a big factor in depression, one can be lonely though in a crowd, so if you take the first step and consult a GP, perhaps one you had before, they can and will help, you would also need to stress to them how bad things have been, as if you brush it off it won't get better and may well get a lot worse. I can only go on my own experiences with family,
Crafty, accepting that you have a problem is the first step. Well done! I received counselling and cognitive therapy for anger management. It worked to a certain extent. Go to your GP. If not, see if you have a charitable centre nearby dealing with depression. They often go hand in glove, depression and anger. Good luck.