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supapapa | 22:42 Wed 03rd Apr 2013 | Body & Soul
49 Answers
What does cannabis smell like?


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Best answer right there! ^^ haha!
"Smells like giggling."

Thought that said "smells like gagging"!

Should have gone to Specsavers...
... anyone else got the munchies?

If you want to smell it buy a hemp product from the Body Shop, or any other similar retailer. The smell is very close and instantly recognisable once you know it.
Blimey Humbersloop! What was that all about?
Have you been watching Sylvia Cropper tucking into her choc brownies?
what was what all about AP?
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"filth, pure filth, masquerading as"
..were you talking about the police?
no, AP it's a running line from a couple of other threads that was poorly executed and rightly fell flat on its dial

yes it was triggs

(), there, yours and yours alone
Tigger, I haven't but sounds tempting 8-)
Seem to be helping her with her arthritic hand Ark.

I haven't smelt weed in a long long time. Think the last time was when I was walking to my house and a bunch of kids cam out the back of a van as I was passing, followed by a cloud of smoke. I walked right into the cloud and nearly fell over!
Ah ok :-)
Tigger, I have heard that it is good for medicinal purposes such as that, I did used to smoke a lot of it when I was younger recreational so the smell is distinctive but hard to describe. Walking to the shop from where I live I can smell it on average .... i'd say twice before I arrive.
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Ahem..yes, I was known to dabble here and there in my younger days.
pulls down sou'wester

adds [i]


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