This is relatively common - various studies report prevelence of 1%-4% of a Caucasian population.
Without a clinical examination & x-rays I can only speculate, as there are so many unknowns. However, the main decision to be taken is whether or not to extract the deciduous (baby) lateral incisors. They may be left in-situ, and could possibly remain there for many years and function quite normally. They are likely to be lost eventually, but this can take years.
If the deciduous teeth are extracted, the main options are:
1) Close the space between the central incisors and canines, to bring these teeth together, often with some minor cosmetic adjustments to the canines to make them look more like lateral incisors
2) Maintain the space of the lateral incisors and provide a prosthetic replacement by way of removable denture, bridge or implant-supported crowns
Each patient needs careful assessment as to the most appropriate option and so referral to an orthodontist is appropriate.
Hope this helps!