I started having this dream often about 6 months ago.
I'm living in a house but its filthy dirty and every room is filled with junk.
I'm sharing the house with someone, sometimes a man sometimes another woman.
I'm waiting for the other person to move out as I can't start cleaning until they do.
When they move out I start to tidy up.
I don't think the dream relates to any dissatisfaction I have with my marriage.
So does anyone have any ideas what it all means?
I defy anyone to interpret some of the dreams I have. There's one involving a seaside pier and miniature purple elephants that I have a couple of times a year.
I can't believe that there's some underlying meaning behind them.
chrisgel :thats an easy one . The pier is a phallic symbol and the purple elephants are your testicles. Its up to you to decide what issues you have around these two (sorry three) body parts ;-)
Many years ago I went through a period of having recurrent dreams - I'd dream the same dream two or three times, several months apart. No obvious reason why.
I think Sharinghams comments have a lot of merit. It seems that you have a problem that remains unresolved, as to what it is that is for you to discover but some sort of dissatisfaction is probably at the root of it.
"Its a dream and it means nothing. Dreams are just flashing thoughts that are confused though being asleep. Nothing more".
With respect, that is a) very sweeping and opinionated and b) utter rubbish IMO.
Dreams contain metaphorical but crucial scenarios that relate to our daily hopes and fears. It's the unconscious mind's way of unraveling our 'issues'.