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Giving Up Smoking

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Otrere | 23:21 Tue 12th Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
OK. Whose done it? How did you do it? I want to stop.

Tips and advice all welcome please.

(No lectures about how bad it is for you, blah blah blah (I know all of that)) - just want useful tips about what to do to stay calm, keep hands busy etc.



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I did it 12 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did.  Everyone does it differently, coming off them with lessening doses of patches, gum etc.  I basically did it 'cold turkey' i.e. No patches, no nicotine gum(I was too tight to pay the extortionate prices at the time!) so used ordinary gum and sugar free Polo's.

Remove all traces of smoking paraphernalia in the house.  Throw away all your lighters, ashtrays and get ALL remaining cigarettes and run them under the tap(you'll never be able to light them!) before you put them in the bin.

Practice saying "No thanks, I don't smoke" and break from normal routines.  If you used to have a fag after lunch go somewhere where you are unable to smoke.  As for keeping hands busy, use a stress ball.

Then it's down to willpower and targets.  No matter how small the target keep aiming for and surpassing it.  Aim for 10 hours, then 1 day, 3 days, 5, make it a week, then aim for 10 days etc.  After 3 days reward yourself with something, even if it's a chocolate bar.

Even in a few days you'll notice the difference and you'll discover in time just how awful you smelled when you did smoke.  That alone was a real decider for me.

Best of luck, you CAN do it!

ive officially been a non smoker for nearly 5 years now, i basically just decided to quit and done it on pure will power with the help of chewing gum. i found the hardest times was like after meals and on the phone etc also if you try to keep busy as i found if you were just lazing about it made you want a smoke.
My brother in law hasn't had a ciggie since he read Allen Carr's book Easy Way to Stop Smoking.  He swears by it, and has just sent my hubby a copy.  Well.... we'll see!
I did it nearly 3 years ago.    I had smoked for a long, long time - about 25 a day!    Needed help so went to a "giving up smoking" class at my local hospital.    It worked thank goodness and certainly helped meeting others there who were also hoping to give up.   Incidentally I kept a packet of cigarettes at home in case of emergencies and they are still in the drawer to this day - this helped me rather than throwing them away - as they were a kind of prop if I needed them.    I was given patches by the doc and these also helped but I did have some strange dreams.    To keep my hands busy I knitted a giant cigarette for use as a draft excluder.   I also got a supply of sugar free lollies which were a good aid as well.       Good luck - I hope you do it!

Well I've known several people who have managed to stop and all of them went cold turkey. It seems to be the general consensus among those who have done it that, patches, gum, cutting down etc just don't work. For the record I have never been a smoker but I've know wuite a few people who have given up and have always been fascinated by how it seems to grab and hold it's victims. I also have never met a smoker who doesn't want to give up if only they could. Good luck stick too it. Try saving the money, I mean really putting it aside each day, it really helps that after a year you'll have enough for, what amounts to, a free holiday!

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Sorry should have also said - its my hubby that buys the ciggies mostly so money thing doesn't really affect me!!!

i have not smoked since xmas, and i must admit i'm loving it (now) - still feel quite proud of myself (which is silly really but just how i feel). I found breaking my routines really difficult - i only succeeded by changing them all, gave up tea and coffee, stopped going to the pub, took a bit of exercise, avoided my friends that smoked - only for a couple of months,  but by that time i found the urge to smoke had lessened enough that i could put myself into the "smoking" situations and still say no to the fags... I think if your partner smokes you are going to find it twice as difficult as you obviously can't avoid them, or all the cigs knocking around the house, try giving up together? (maybe)

I gave up years ago at the same time as hubby, I managed to do it cold turkey not patches, no gum etc. I am still not smoking although I quite like standing near someone who has just lit up (ah that smell) can't stand the smell of stale smoke now though. Incidentally hubby couldn't do it cold turkey and used patches which failed, he then tried cutting down, switching to menthol ciggies, smoking a pipe, smoking cigars, all of which failed and he is now back smoking.

I gave up because my daughter was getting upset as she thought that we were going to die, there really couldn't be any bigger motivation than that.
Well if your hubby buys the ciggies then get him to give you a fiver a day instead, never know it might induce him to crack it too when he sees all your cash! Seriously though now you are a non smoker, when you get your senses back he will reek to high heaven to you, going to be very difficult if he doesn't join you. Never give up giving up though!
Although I smoke I have never had the urge to give up.  I only smoke a few a day.  But just to say well done to everyone who has stopped. Also to undercovers I don't think its silly that you are proud of yourself.  It is a major achievment to stop smoking so you should be proud. 
I will have been a non smoker 2 years in October.  I think only fair to say that I still often feel like a cigarette.  I had cut right down to 3 a day by extending the time between my cigarettes and having them at time intervals rather than with regular things like a cup of tea or after a meal.  I think that helped to break those habits.  I did the same interval each day for at least a week so it happened really slowly and if I had a bad day and didn't follow it I just started again fresh the next day. I kept a record in my diary so I could see my progress. Then I got sick with a chest infection (something I've been prone to all my life due to long term chronic asthma) and I couldn't physically smoke and my mother said if I could go those days with only a half a cigarette at a time surely I could do without them altogether (she has never smoked!).  So I thought I would try it.  I decided to take it one day at a time just to see if I could go that day and then the next morning I decided I would see if I could go that day too and so on until I didn't have to think consciously about it every minute of the day.  Boy, did I miss it and like someone else said I liked to stand next to people at pubs and parties that were smoking and so do a little passive smoking.  I also kept myself busy with jigsaws and knitting, a lot of knitting, I also sucked sugar free lollipops and had a cut off drinking straw as I found sometimes the act of sucking in like that  ie pretending to smoke, soothing.  I also enlisted my mother, husband and ex smoker sister as my cheering squad.  "It's been a week."  "Yaayyy,  good for you, well done!"  and so on.  The biggest thing was just deciding each day to not smoke for that day.  Oh and I too kept my last packet of smokes as it eased the anxiety of not having them if it became too much.  Good Luck!
its so easy iv'e given up loads of times, one tip- keep a couple of ciggies hidden just in case you feel suicidal

If you're seriuos about giving up I'd reccomend reading one of Alan Carr's books. 

I have never smoked (and feel very grateful I never started!) but many of my friends have given up and stayed non-smokers after reading his book/s.

He doesn't bang on about the health aspects, but gets you to understand the reasons why you started smoking and why you continue to smoke and then gradually breaks down your self-justifications.  A bit like self-hypnosis I suppose.  Does seem to be very effective.  

I think he has brought out a few different titles now - maybe visit his website for more info.

Cheers and Good Luck!

Hi Otrere,

I gave up nearly 6 weeks ago, Due to fallling pregnant, I found the first 2 weeks hell, Moody/Nasty just horriable really, I felt it was taking over my life.

I did read that after 2 weeks most of your cravings stop, and they did, now I still get cravings but its not bad, I think I only have the will power because I feel I have no choice but to stop and protect my unborn child.

Good Luck

Hey Otrere, I'm one of the ones who actually used the patch but it's fair to say that I had cut down to only smoking in the evenings and on weekends by then.  Anyway, I didn't even really WANT to quit I only used the patch cause I knew I should quit smoking and look at that!  It worked!!!  The first few months I would have a puff or two to keep me "satisfied" and after I while I just stopped thinking about it.  I am now a non-smoker FIVE YEARS -- believe me I loved smoking so much if I could quit anyone can!  Even know, I think I'll want a cig like at a party or something and hubby will give me a puff but it's so disgusting I wonder why I craved it.
Good luck -- it is the hardest thing to do but you'll be very proud.  The best thing someone told me was "you only have to quit ONCE!"  :)

Hey!  Thanks for the stars! :)

i got myself onto methol fags first - not exactly easy, but i did it in a couple of weeks. Once I'd got off the regular ciggies I found it remarkably easy, as i wasn't craving ordinary fags that I saw other people smoking. If anyone offered me one of theirs i really didn't want one.

I was a chain smoker for ten years.

I have not smoked for thirteen years.

Don't give up giving up - one time will be the right time.

good luck!

I quit about 3 months ago. It's not going to be as bad as you think it will be.

The best thing I found was breath mints. Everytime I craved a cigarette I had a mint, and it took my mind off the craving.

Make sure that you get plenty of sleep and water. It's a lot easier to quit when you're not tired and cranky, and water is always good.

Otrere....... I gave up on New Years day 2004. I lasted 3 mths before i started again for various reasons, problems with younger brother etc. I'm still gutted now that i started again after completely giving up!.I have vowed 2 myself that  must do it again,for the sake of my health,  for my wife and 14 month old daughter. Apparently only takes 72 hrs 4 it 2 b completely out of your system.My wife gave up at the start of 2003 and has never smoked since.She read Allen Carrs book,  she swears by it.As i'm not a great reader i didnt bother and thought i would tackle it my own way.My own way was to get in the right mind set first,  I know what its like to quit and remember vividly how GOOD it felt to breathe in fresh air, not stink of stale smoke.Believe me stale smoke smell is horrible!!!!! I cant smell that smell at the moment cos my senses are immune to it! What must other people think? I know my wife comments on my stinkiness straight after a cigarette, what must my daughter think when i come back in the room!! ( I do smoke outside by the way). Once i was ready to quit i went straight onto the herbal cigarettes (No nicotine, No tar) these helped me hugely as they compensated for the habit factor of smoking.(How many cigarettes have we had just for the sake of having one?)I also used lollipops and regular chewing gum.The herbal cigarettes taste ok and you do get a very small takeback on the back of your throat to still give that feeling of a proper cigarette.After a day or so i had a horrible knotty feeling in my stomach, which turns out to be the body screaming"GIVE ME SOME NICOTINE"! but it doesnt last long,i guess certain people are different.My point is that, i have given up and want to do it again!!

Are you with me?? Shall we do it together and set ourselves a day to start? Maybe this Monday 18th July? We can post topics to each other everyday on AB. Others might encourage us?

i started the patches 2 weeks ago and i dont even think about smoking it GREAT.

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