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Why Do Women Have Periods When They Are Connected By Partner,place Or Situation

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Agreed | 15:31 Sun 02nd Jun 2013 | Body & Soul
39 Answers
Why do women have periods when they are connected by partner,place or situation


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Down right ignorant imo, gness ;-)
Not all lost, won't be thinking of multiple wives now, will you...?all that PMT....;-( x
To bloody right gness, also multiple housekeeping money !.
//Some men are able to take many wives. Now imagine a man with four wives not synchronised....four separate bouts of PMT each month....There isn't a man on earth could cope with that...//

That's all the more reason for women not to synchronise surely?
This was noted long before Ms Mclintock [see link] researched it. It was noticed by a doctor working in a munitions factory in World War I. The workers were all women and the doctor noticed that they all had such synchronicity, the newer workers gradually syncronising with the rest.

Not just applicable to women, but to dogs too. Bitches come into season only twice a year. Six of the dogs here are bitches. They all come into season within about a week, every six months. This drives the three dogs frantic but suits me , and presumably , the bitches. Any other way and I'd be keeping the dogs from the bitches for months a year.
Jim...have you any idea how hard it is for us to deal with a man suffering from our PMT? x

Noted in Halls of Residence too I think, Fred. x
Of course I don't gness. :P

Apparently this hasn't been definitively shown to be a real effect. Oh well.

And it makes sense. In animals, it means that all the young will be born at the same time. Therefore there is only one lot to protect from predators at one time, and any predation will pick off only a few of many, whereas producing a few at intervals could mean successive losses of all the few as they appear. This is regardless of considerations of seasonal supply of food, though obviously some some species breed to fit that; dogs in the wild mostly have food available all year
I've seen it in action. I worked in an all-woman environment for several years. All miserable the same week.

If we were not in the now, we'd blame witchcraft.....
Fred has the very sensible reason for it to happen and if Boxy and I say it does! :-) x
Wonder if it happens here?
Oh yeah, gness. Forgot that - sorry!
All miserable the same week.
LOL, only for one week !.
Ron must only know women for three weeks at a time :-)
Has anyone heard this before ? My sister in law worked at a local bakery ( 1950s B'ham) & when any of the girls were menstruating they had to report it because during their period they were not allowed to handle the pork meat that was used for pork pies, the theory behind it being that a menstrual woman could turn the pork bad.

I've not heard that one, ron - it shouldn't be hygiene issue! It is the case in several cultures of the world that the women have to isolate themselves during that week, as cooking and liaising with blokes is banned that week. We're a dangerous bunch!

I read a whole book about this topic once when I was doing some work about cultural differences - it was fascinating.
Loads of myths here. I have had loads of female flatmates, and never experienced any synchronisation of any kind.
I believe in France menstruating women are not allowed near any pig-killing. But there cannot be any scientific basis for this.
It's not a myth, atalanta - get several women in one place, I've experienced it. It needs to be larger numbers though, it probably doesn't work with only a couple of flatmates.
I haven't read the replies as yet, but, I don't understand this question.

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