(Don't read this if you are likely to feel queasy at the mention of "women's things".)
Since having the kids (last one is a year old), my periods have been horrendous. They are still bang on time each month, but very (and I really mean very) heavy.
I'm also sprouting chin hair at an alarming rate - think Noel Edmonds...
My libedo has taken a bit of a knock too, but that could be because I'm tired with two small kids round my feet.
Could my hormones be a bit wonky? Is it something I could ask my GP about without him looking at me like I'm insane?
yes, you could ask him.....why be so uncomfortable - or you could ask to consult a female colleague of his if you feel embarrassed by this. Sound like you may be oestrogen deficient.
2sp, i get where you are coming from. Since having little nobs 14 months ago, periods are so heavy, a pad doesn't even last an hour. I am going on the pill to try and sort it
Thanks bednobs. It's horrendous. I'm up several times in the night to change pads, and I don't like leaving the house on the first couple of days of each period as it's so heavy I can't go more than 20 - 30 minutes without going to the loo.
I'm still carrying a good bit of my baby weight, so not sure if the pill would be an option for me. (Really must shift some lard!)
Maybe a good starting point 2sp - apart from exercise, diet....if you want some great books for tasty food, look at Canyon Ranch (equiv of Champneys over here) - they do some fab dishes that help shed the pounds - dishes like a sautéed chicken breast on a wild rice bed along with a warm blueberry and mustard sauce....you may find that some poundage loss also helps the libido - get a few pounds off mr 2sp at the same time - it's easier if two of you tackle it together.
I can't put Mr P on a diet, DTC. He's one of those sickening people that is naturally slim. If he didn't have such a nice bottom I would really resent him!
Might ask about the mini pill, bednobs. Mr P has been refused the snip by his GP, so that would kill two birds with one stone.
Try the Mirena coil, will sort the periods totally, then you can get on with your life and everything else will sort itself out, worked for me unbelievably!!
I resisted the Mirena for the same reason and now wonder why. I can honestly say it changed my life completely (for the better!) and can't even remember periods now. Lets say from one pad an hour to one a year!! Don't wait any longer, get your life back.
I was frightened I was making a fuss over nothing, that heavy periods (and hairy chins!) would be seen as something women just have to deal with and get on with it.
Definitely see your GP I put up with very heavy periods for too long and ended up very anaemic. I was referred to hospital and they tried different things, but they sorted me out and I wished I'd gone sooner. The Mirena coil is not the answer for everyone, it depends what is actually causing your heavy periods but there are other things they can try.