Dear LazyGun,
I reject all your interpretations of hostility, dismissiveness, the nature of my postings etc. All wrong! That's not an insult or arrogance, it's a fact.
Was I rude? Yes and deliberately so! If you re-read dannyday5821's question in fine detail it reveals an apparent lack of knowledge about the medically serious problem(s) he seems to have. His closing line: "Just curious if this is something worth seeing the GP about or not" seems to reveal a dangerous lack of general knowledge (i.e. ignorance, just as I am ignorant of masses of things). Similarly his later posting about blood tests, but this sounds like fear of the truth. Combine apathy and fear, result: inactivity.
A kind and gentle approach could well send this particular guy into the attitude of "oh well, nobody's panicking, I'll leave the GP and tests alone for now" i.e. forever.
I've tried to help danny as I wish him well. However it doesn't take a psychiatrist, just common-sense experience to see that he needs a strong kick-start to get him to act. There is something called "cruel to be kind" and that was my whole motive. Yes, I wanted him to be angry, worried and scared, AS WELL AS TO GIVE HIM ADVICE (did you notice that?) to stimulate the poor guy into action.
Don't shoot from the lip, LazyGun, without analysing the whole situation.