Does Positive Thinking Work ? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Does Positive Thinking Work ?

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Purple_Popple | 18:27 Fri 11th Oct 2013 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
In all seriousness, does the state of mind alter the perception/outcome of things if you feel happy or depressed ? Are some people naturally lucky in life ?
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Yes, state of mind makes a huge difference to everything. I don't think people are born lucky, they have the mindset to make the most if things, because they believe they will be lucky. I would recommend seeing Derren Brown's experiments on that one. Fascinating.
Without a doubt positive thinking works.....it really does, Purple...x
I think there has been a good deal of work done on the relationship between mind and body which give grounds for believing that our mental and physical well being are interconnected. As to some people being lucky in life, those who exude a positive attitude are bound do do better.
it may alter state of mind and perception but it doesn't alter outcomes.
I think it can, woofgang. (even placebos, for example). I certainly wouldn't say positive thinking can cure everything, though.
I went on a Positive Thinking Course once. It was crap. Room was half empty.
Although it was good to talk to other people sharing similar issues.
Never went back. That was in 1997.
What I did learn was, that being in the company of 'positive people' helps you stay in a happy frame of mind and it's okay to be negative and down sometimes as this is a good way of offloading your issues and gripes to make you feel better as long as you don't bottle your feelings up as this can lead to anxiety and depression. It's good to talk with a friend over a cuppa.
>>>> Are some people naturally lucky in life ?

I remember one famous golfer (Nicklaus) saying

"The more practice the luckier I get"

Luck plays some part in life, but luck has to go hand in hand with talent, skill, determination, hard work and so on.

So you might say the five guys who were pulled together to make One Direction were "lucky" (lets face it any nice looking lad could replace any single member of the group), but unless they had some skill, talent, and determination (and good management) they would have got nowhere.
Sorry that should have read:

I remember one famous golfer (Nicklaus?) saying

"The more I practice the luckier I get"
In my opinion yes it does. "I think therefore I am"..... which to me means I can do and be anything I think I can... Well that's my excuse, not sure about anyone else (especially gness) ;o)
Of course it does, the state of mind will affect everything you do, it can even affect your health. I have always been amazed at listening to "famous" people talking about their lives, David Beckham, Geri Halliwell, Madonna, to name buy a few, what amazed me was their enthusiasm/desire to succeed, the lengths they went to to get their goal, their ambition, and sheer determination, nothing just nothing would stand in their way. I find it fascinating, unfortunately I have no determination myself at all, altho I am happy with my lot.
I think my life is okay because of the way in which I approach it...I am very much a positive thinker but let me bore you with an odd experience.
MrG had emergency surgery just after his transplant. His donated kidney stopped working. After a week or so we were told that was it...no more kidney....and it would have to be removed.
Now, I don't take things lying down and have a tendency to go over the top. I can be a tad cocky too.
I asked the doctors to give me a few days to sort it and that by Sunday night the kidney would be working....MrG pulled the covers over his head at this point.
I come from a large Catholic family and have more than my share of friends who are vicars and ministers.
I phoned them all..in the UK, France and Ireland ...They were to pray and have a silence during their Saturday and Sunday services for MrG...that the kidney would work.
At 7pm on the Sunday a trickle of urine flowed down the catheter tube...the kidney was working.
I had to call upon all my acting skills not to look as surprised as the hospital staff....but it showed me, an atheist, that positive thinking has a lot going for it...x

So gness, was that positive thinking or divine intervention. Actually I forgot to mention that spirituality has a part to place in positive thinking too.
Kassee...for me it was positive thinking...for the believers it was God....for the doctors it was coincidence.
Didn't matter...the kidney was still working well when he died five years later.
Lovely story - think it must have been the big man upstairs !
I have found that positive thinking works for me.
I'm happy for Him to take the credit, K.....x
Or Her...Ooooo...slipped up there!...☺
Earlier in the week I had decided to go to Morrison's supermarket today. Not been before but had heard good reports of it. Chucking it down with rain but...
Hood came off my coat. Bus into town no problem, only had to wait 20 minutes for a 10 minute service. No bus shelter. Walked across town (small town, not far) to next bus. Still raining. Bus shelter! Only 25 minute wait for 20 minute service. Ooops. Forgot bus got near to supermarket then diverted to station and then doubled back. Had to walk back to traffic lights, cross, walk to more lights, cross again. Still raining, feeling cross by now. Eventually found entrance. Not sign posted. Huge building one entrance. Half way between two bus stops. Soooo disappointing. Like shopping in an aircraft hangar. Hate shopping anyway. Only one product I could not get locally.
Return journey. Uphill walk to bus stop, avoiding traffic lights. Bus into town, 15 minute wait. Choice of three buses? Walk down to seafront, still raining.
Surprise! Bus late again. Staggered off bus to walk home. Wet through, feet hurt, shopping heavy. Home three hours after I left.
Positive thinking? Shop locally. Had a good laugh at myself. Had bus pass, no charge. Got rained on, good for the complexion. Still able to walk. Home to go to. Can afford to put some heating on. Have a bath if I want one.
Bought a bottle of Scotch on offer.
Learned not to do that again in a hurry.
Thinking positively. Cheers!
and Daisy you've got a seafront, how lucky are you? I'd love a sea front. When I retire in a few years' time I shall move near to the sea.
carrot, absolutely great to sit on the shingle beach , watch the sea and read a book. When the weather is not so good retire to one of the shelters on the beach. Today you could not see the sea from the beach. Too misty. But it will still be there tomorrow.

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