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Is It Possible To Grow A Penis?

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Baby_Sham | 15:11 Thu 24th Oct 2013 | Body & Soul
67 Answers
This is the funniest thing I've seen all day... but how is it even possible?

Ok, so I know taking steroids can have some pretty adverse effects, and I can totally believe 'she' started growing facial hair etc. But growing a penis?! What the actual f**k.


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Don't know about a penis, but I know loads of blokes who need to grow a pair.
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I did stop for a brief moment and wondered if I was being a bit mean poking fun at her... but... I appreciate she "hated" her old body, and yes that is sad, but surely she got to a point and thought "hang on a minute, what the bleedin heck is that"?
'Appiness can't be achieved by taking steroids.
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Haha it took me a while to get that.

Look, if she says she's now got a todger, who are we to argue?

Aren't todgers being culled?
Oops, wrong animal, sorry...
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I cannot understand why a medical name for a female part of the anatomy has to have a filter on -penis doesn't so why cl*t*ris ? I saw this programme last night those 'female' bodybuilders have some mental issues I'm sure. Her C*i*to*is grew to about 4 cm apparently.
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4cm??!! FOUR centimeters?! Some men would be grateful of that! :P
You are meeting the wrong men Baby.
Baby_Sham , you did not want to see her t*ts, they looked like 2 scrot*ms with corks stuck on the ends... seriously...:-)
ladyboys have one

so i am told
When women have a sex change op the cl*tor*s is used to make the penis and the lab** used to make the scrotum.

When a man has a sex change the scrotum is used to make the lab**.

Babies developing in the womb grow the same bits but in boys the scrotum replaces the lab** and the penis replaces the cl*tor*s.
hc - as a surgeon, trained at the Uni of Asterix, you would be a star at sex-change operations
Are you willing to volunteer, DT?
LOL @ this thread
Just realised Sqad hasn't commented, or has he not seen this thread? :)
Wow! Steroids and grew a penis? Anabolic? No, just a penis!
lol at jordy. :D
\\\\\Just realised Sqad hasn't commented, or has he not seen this thread? :)\\\

Oh! yes he has..........too bloody stupid for my comments.........

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