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Laryngoscopy And Biopsy

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Scarlett | 01:25 Sun 12th Jan 2014 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Okay, I know I am not supposed to be worrying but it is now coming up to 4 weeks since I had this throat operation and I still have a hoarse, laboured, low, soft voice. I have no singing notes, and when I try they come out very soft and head voicey- ie- I can't even begin to make a nice clean, clear note. My vocal cords are phlegmmy most of the time and my neck and jaw feel tired as if I am clenching a lot. I have tried to get a follow up to see the specialist and find out more about what he did/advice on how long it will take to get back to normal but no letter as yet and no return call from the ENT dept secretary. I could really do with an opinion here! Thanks


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So, I'll cancel work for three months then. :/
\\\\\As far as the voice is concerned, the hoarseness is quite normal and may take up to 3 months to return to normal.\\\

The above is taken from my previous post.

You need to do what you have to do.
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OKay Sqad, thanks. I appreciate it!

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Laryngoscopy And Biopsy

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