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Fibromyalgia again

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Firiffic | 10:39 Tue 16th Aug 2005 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Hey fellow fibromyalgia people.  Just wanted to say hi and how are you going?  WE are having the warmest imaginable winter and spring flowers are out already so my health has been much better than usual and I'm actually acheiving things.  Hope your Summer is going well!


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just about as warm as your winter, probably. Over 20 degrees!

Hi Firiffic I was wondering about you yesterday oddly enough!  Great to hear that you are doing well & that the weather is being kind to you.  Afraid I'm not doing very well at all, this is the worst & longest episode I've had for three years, when my heart muscles were affected, & it's really getting me down. On the positive side my heart is now fine - it's just the rest of me that's b*ggered!!

Our weather has been diablo...diblo...oh pooh what's the word?... rotten! but has started to improve & is much warmer today so here's hoping I get some energy back to enjoy it.

Be good, take care! x

hi all

sorry to hear you havent been well Robinia, you take it real easy (easier said than done I know) Dont very often come over here, so I'm glad that I did today.  I think thats one of the worst things about fibro, the fact  that you have no warning when its going to flare up and when it does you have absolutely no idea how long it will last, this really does my head in. I hope you are feeling better soon

firiffic, long time no chat, glad to hear you are feeling better than normal, I too havent been really bad for a couple of months or so, just got a real pain in shoulder that wont go and me little finger hurts like mad and keeps seizing up, its really annoying, I look all posh when Im drinking a cuppa and my finger is sticking out lol

big hugs to both of you

speak to you all soon byee

Thanks pixi - glad you're doing ok, must be the break doing you good!

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Hi Robinia, I'm so sorry you are having a bad patch.  I agree with Pixi, it is hard not knowing when they will hit.  It would be great to plan for them wouldn't it!  I hope you will be feeling better soon. 

Yaaayyy for Pixi, I'm glad that you have been doing well too.  I bet you look very la di da with your finger in the air but I also bet it suits you too!

Wow jno that's pretty warm!  I don't think that it'* *** that warm here but it has been very weird.  I know that I'm worse in the winter but not having one is so strange too.  Mind you a couple of years ago we didn't have a Summer so I guess it all balances out in the end!

I was wondering how others with Fibro feel about the "professionals" saying that exercise is integral in coping with and improving Fibromyalgia?  Comments , please.

I've had some good experience with an exercise program, it seems to me the trick is it should be mild and start out very slow. Here is information on it

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