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what can u talk to a girl about

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Thunderchild | 14:40 Tue 23rd Aug 2005 | Body & Soul
20 Answers

seams easy but i just can't think of anything and don't say my work because that gives me a nervous breakdown i hate to think the results it will have on anybody else anyhow we have already touched that one




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Just find something they are interested in and let them talk, be a good listener and join in where prompted or required, once you have found some common ground you will find it easy to talk and perhaps explore things that you like that might interest her.  Perhaps something about latest celebrity news (Heat magazine) or some TV programme/cinema film that you both like.  Avoid subjects like makeup, personal grooming, weight and diets as although most girls are obsessed by these things, men should know little or nothing about them! 
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ahem forgot to mention she is not a great talker (unlike most girls i suppose) and i do not watch tv much so realy our only thing in common is a computer (that a recently cleaned of 14 viruses - yes that impressed her) but that is not exactly persoanl i just wanted to find something different to talk about knowing that i am probably going to initiate any talking

Ask her if she's been on holiday this year yet ... if she hasn't, where would she most like to go given the chance, talk about where you would most like to go, what was your best holiday ... 

Get drunk. Most people talk gibberish when drunk, but at least it's talking. It's good for dutch courage too :o)
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what has it got to do with dutch courage ? yes i have noticed that i get a bit ore courageous when i have drunken a bit but i am driving maybe so will have to look into that one. here in italy wine is comonly drunken at dinner so i am used to a couple of glasses and will have no trouble driving. oh perhaps sis can drive hehe.

travel is a good subject, topical news? It totally depends what sort of person she is, ask lots of questions to bring her out of herself, does she like cooking, does she like any sports, ask about things you like so if (or hopefully when) you get a 'yes' you can Elaborate on that subject.

Personally I like it when a guy has some funny stories, is interested in what i have to say, can talk about how he 'feels' about something and someone who has strong opinions.  Mind you, i never stop talking!

Girls love to talk about football, beer and sex.....

punctuate your conversation with some very good and thorough scratch of the testicular area.

Burp and fart at leisure.

Channel hop between conversations

guaranteed to keep her interested

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u bet, interested in working out a way of getting getting outa here father than light would hehe

thanks for the humor or was that to say DO NOT do these hahaha

Question Author

ahem made some spelli mistakes there:

u bet interested in working out how to get outa here faster than light does

Give her a deep, meaningful look, hold her hand, adopt a deep voice, and say "ever had your navel licked from the inside?".

It's never done me any harm. 

Ahem...thanks for that, Andy008- that'd have me swooning...

Any ladies allowed on here?

Don't worry, Thunderchild- if you 'click', the conversation will flow. Ask her what she likes, what she doesn't, where she wants to be in 5 years, whether she likes her family, favourites/pet hates, that kind of stuff! If you run out of conversation, take her to the cinema and do the 'yawning...arm over her shoulder' thing!

Question Author
ps remember we r 22 and 18 (me oldest) and as for the naval question well i think i know the answer hehe - never. problem is i suppose we r both shy but do like one another it is just a case of getting to know one anotyher after 4 yrs of "official" friendship just because she is the daughter of family friends mind u i think her mother has high hopes for us hehe here in italy some people still have the match making mentality or mabe she is trying to give her daughter a gentle nudge into indipendant life for as her father died when she was 6 she is rather attached o her mother and they seem to go everywhere together if u see what i mean.

I think it depends on the girl, you could ask what she did over the weekend to get you started then ask her questions about what she likes doing and from there a beautiful relationship will grow.....(maybe) =)

good luck! 

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yea great idea as i spent the weekend trying to phone them (mother and daughter) that makes a good topic well they should be here soon
So? How did it go? Nosy- moi?
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ahem neutral. i made a discovery: first let me explain we are myself this girl (annafranca) and her mother my sister and my grandmother. well blow me down what the hell happened? the same that happens when they come to our house to eat (this time we all went out for a pizza) all the attention focuses on my grandmother that usualy has a story to tell of her life that i have probably heard before and it's like this girl gets totaly uninterested in me (well almost) so i figure the trick is going to have to be me and sis go to see them and mybe go out with them without granny as i am sure she will not always want to come out. oh well ce lavit i suppose it is also like perhaps to talk to me instead of listening to granny is disrespect oh well time will sort things out i mean she was very friendly when we went to her house to fix her computer and its not like she felt obliged as her mother insisted on paying me for my trouble.
Yep I agree... being a good listener is always a bonus for a girl to have someone to talk to! But basically if you're relaxed and comfortable with a girl, the conversation should flow naturally. If its awkward and stilted, my guess is, she's not the one for you. I agree with Octavius - common ground is the key.
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oh there is common ground. she is very intelligent (and yes so am i) but realy i get the impression that she would find most other people boring in this society of zombies and superficials. ok seriously we follow similr lines of reasoning for example when we all went out the other night we passed thru a town and her mother said she knew a 5 word rym about the town that was composed all of words starting with f because this town is considered false as it is renown for robbers to live in it. well what did me and her simutainely start doing: counting the number of letters in the word false to find that there r five letyerd like the 5 words.
i think my brain jus broke
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pls explain ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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what can u talk to a girl about

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