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Old Age

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Psybbo | 18:28 Sun 03rd Aug 2014 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
Isn't it depressing!


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Boxy, my mother is 95 and refusing help that she needs
Psybs, that's hard - you have my sympathies.
sibs, you are needed over in crosswords. happy you made it.....♥
We are all going in that direction but It's up to the person Him / Herself, if you want to be old, you will feel old, think of it this way, you can not stop it, it will happen matter what you do even Frank Sinatra with his Millions found that out, just think about what you have, Health, your Family, your outings, live your life for yourself, enjoy, be happy, ( As much as I and other's moan) there is a lot worse off than you including children that has never had the fruits of life?? that's living.
When does "old age" start? I'm 65 this month and retired for the past 7 years. It's great to have time for family, friends and ourselves. Something I didn't always have when I was working.
Luckily I have a decent pension so can afford trips out and treats now and again but I am by no means rich.
It took me a while to realise that this isn't a rehearsal and to get out there and do the things I want, while I still can. At least I'll have the memories and the photos for when I get really old.
At the moment, old age rocks.
78 but I have and arrangement with the local hill. Walk briskly to the top every day and it will look after me. Also help from the mountain bike and dogs.
Psybbo, from what I have read up to now does that answer you O.P.?
My mum was 68 when she died and while it broke my heart - she died in my arms - but I knew she wanted to go. She definitely would not have made a good "old" person - loathed and detested age.

She left the legacy to her children.
I may have told this before but....

I have an aunt who is 77. Every day, she goes to see her uncle, My Greay Uccle, who is 99. She cooks, cleans, attends to his personal care and administerers to his medical needs. She spends two hours a day with him. Carers come in in the evening and give him his medication before he retires to bed.

When I ring Aunt Polly and ask how Uncle Bert is, she always says, 'He's getting old now, Tilly and is getting a bit confused and forgetful.'

I have to bite my tongue to not scream, 'Getting old? Getting old. He's 99 for goodness sake, of course he's confused and forgetful!'

My Aunt Polly is a wonder to behold. I hope to take after her.
Please excuse my typos above. I am using my tablet !
Tilly, i had a 98 year old client who worried he was getting dementia if there was a Telegraph cryptic clue he couldn't get.
There you go then, sibs. Two reasons why old age need not be depressing. Old age doesn't start until you're in your late nineties.
Our Doc says you are not classed as old until you're in your middle 80's. I'm approaching 64 I don't feel old, I don't act old but do admit to a few aches and pains. In my head I am still a young lady.
Psybbo, is there anything we can help with, with your mum? X
I don't feel old but I am not doing the same things now as I did in my twenties, thirties, forties and fifties, except for walking the dog every day.

It creeps up slowly. I'm 40, but I'm sure i couldn't go straight to work from an all-night party any more (I wasn't a drinker)- not on a regular basis, anyway.
My mum and dad are around 70, and while I don't class that as old particularly, my mum is very ill, and it is depressing to see what ageing and illness combined can do to people.
I hope things aren't too bad for you, Psybbo.
Surely the alternative is worse ........ !
I know not every bit of me works properly, but I am very grateful for what I have,
I work 25 hours a week and look after my youngest grandson aswell to save my daughter some money,
I love my job, and my weekends away in my caravan with Mr S,
My great Gran lived til she was nearly 102, Mum is 77, Dad is 86, and they only retired last year,
I have got a lot to live up to. Lol.X

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