Flu & Pneumonia Jabs in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Flu & Pneumonia Jabs

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tamborine | 14:27 Thu 08th Jan 2015 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
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no thanks. used to have to have at work and was always unwell for a couple weeks afterwards. haven't had them since then and no problems. personally i doubt their effectiveness.
05:10 Fri 09th Jan 2015

Yes, couple of months ago, thanks!
yes, had flu jab, not pneumonia. Flu is horrible and as I live alone it would be very inconvenient if I caught it.
No...........but you should.
Is flu a big problem in Menorca Sqad like it is here in UK or because of the warmer climate you don't get so much of it ?
No. I haven`t got any pre-existing conditions (hopefully) so I don`t see any reason to have them.
Fusion....interesting question.

In my experience and in my opinion, the indigenous population have very little influenza, but the exPat population bring it back to the Island after UK visits.

I really have no statistical or scientific evidence to back this up, but is just my impression over a 15 year period.

flu . yes
Had both as now 65 can have then
Had the Flu jab.
Yes, both. The pneumonia jab is only done once.
I had mine in September. I have had the flu only once in my 21 years (51 years if I was honest, but I am not) and it was horrendous.
I had flu injection end of September and pneumonia one many years ago due to having asthma.
I had pneumonia jab (its a one off) last year with the flu jab.

Had the flu and shingles jab a few weeks ago.
Had influenza immunisation about six weeks ago. Got struck down with influenza a few days ago and am feeling dreadful, so it didn't work for whatever strain I have encountered. And yes, I do know the difference between that and a bad cold. From sorry experience.
I've had both jabs but still got flu, lasted 3-4 weeks, it was awful.
Yes, had the flu jab for the first time, haven't bothered before because I don't usually have colds etc but I recently listened to a serial on radio 4 called My life with Flu , it spanned 40 years and talked about how the flu virus changes and the body's reaction to it, better safe than sorry
Had both.
Oddly though I have never had a cold since my stroke in Jan. 2009.
Had the pneumonia one last year and the flu one this year. The shingles one is given from age 70. I'm not there... yet!
no thanks. used to have to have at work and was always unwell for a couple weeks afterwards. haven't had them since then and no problems. personally i doubt their effectiveness.
No neither my husband nor I. He is 66 and I am 64...We are of the understanding that there are many flu virus's and that this jab is just for one of the many strains,,,,. I have had however this cold/cough virus that is going around which has left me still with the cough and stuffed up nose sometimes after three weeks nearly..

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