Honestly, no worries at all, my email is there whenever you want to email and there are no expectations from me, I know what it's like to feel so bad.
Honestly, vent away, seriously. I can be good to get it out, especially to someone who has a clue what you are going through :) It isn't your fault and sometimes you have to just let it all out then just let go a bit.
I've been working on making my rest a bit nicer, that even though I'm shattered with fatigue and pain, I try and have a nice shower with some relaxing shower stuff then put on baby bedtime moisturiser on my arms and wrap myself up with a cup of camomile, honey and lemon tea. Makes me feel a little more looked after and nice sleepy relaxed.
I found ice lollies are quite good to have on hand with the hunger, and things like apples which take a while to eat like large Granny Smiths. Clear soups are quite good too, like a chicken simmer soup as easier to sip slowly.
Have you had your folic acid yet? That can help the nausea and any other side effects, similarly with ginger like ginger tea or biscuits. It is horrible but hopefully it will settle. It's not a nice drug but, if you can tolerate it, a good drug to be on and used as a baseline for many other drugs.
Doesn't help the feeling crap though, on top of everything else. Hope you have got family round to help out.
Just post when you are ready. Will be thinking of you, it's a difficult time.