I have had irregular bowel movements (very loose) for a couple of months now (at least 2 or 3 times a day). I have developed a pain in lower right hand side of body when I go. Anyone any ideas?
This could be anything, but the two are almost definitely linked! Get thee to the Doctors. A couple of months is a long time to have symptoms and not be seen by a Doctor.
Sounds like it could be irritable bowel syndrome! Caused by stress and sometimes irritated by certain foods. Your doctor will be able to diagnose easily and prescrbe you something to help.
Exercise helps a lot as does spending some time each day relaxing.
Thanks irisred been trying to cycle and walk lots. Unfortunately I dont have a huge amount of time to relax will try to work that into my day... Been watching what I have been eating too. A quick trip to the docs in the next week is needed.