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Friend's Forgetfulness

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silliemillie | 19:31 Sat 19th Dec 2015 | Body & Soul
23 Answers

I'm a little worried about my friend. She keeps forgetting things. Last week I was at her house when she couldn't remember the name of a normal every day item. She said "can you pass me the" and them couldn't remember what they were called and just pointed to them (they were cups).

There have been a few incidents like this but today she rang me to check if we were meeting up. I said no it's tomorrow, Sunday. She said she couldn't remember if today was Saturday or Sunday.

Should I be worried? She's only 52.


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I wouldn't put too much worry here, coming up to a busy week like now you're likely to forget small regular things, her mind is too busy, she remembered you were getting together this weekend, can't be too much when she rang you, I'd worry if she forgot to use the phone. I sometimes forget the kids names, they're used to it.
Does she know she's forgetful? I read a book about memory recently, and the author said you only really need to worry about someone when they don't realise it, themselves. It sounds like fairly normal age related memory problems, although slightly earlier than usual.
At 52 it may be Menopausal 'brain fog'. At this stage I would not worry too much. She remembered that you were meeting up this weekend, probably knew it was tomorrow but had started to have doubts, due to other small lapses.

Ubasses, something similar to my thinking, The incident mentioned in op relating to the cup I was wondering, does she live alone, I do, over the years I find I don't need words for household items and lose the art of conversation, when someone visits, I can't think of forks and the like. How many of us have forgotten what day it is at some stage in our lives. Has she family? other friends you could ask them have they noticed how forgetful she is of late. I've daughters that age, they forget to collect me sometimes
I also forget what day it is sometimes.
One time my oh came into the kitchen when I was cooking and he asked me what was in the pan. I went through the names of four vegetables before I got to the right one.
Remember it well eanceoil, recall one evening driving home from work and suddenly realised I did not know where I was, knew I was outside the village somewhere, had to stop for a couple of minutes. I then turned round, went back to my turning and carried on my journey. Few other incidents around that time.
That happens, I bet you have plenty of whatyamacallits in your cupboard too cloverjo
I was with someone during the summer that happened with, we just decided to carry on the scenic route ;}
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Thank you all, I feel better now, she lives with her husband, he just rolls eyes at her and say she's just getting old.
Keep an eye on you know her family well to have a quiet chat between you?
Dementia in its various forms can onset at a young age like 52, even younger - now I am not saying that it is this, but just watch and share......early diagnosis can result in delaying the full effects.
I am assuming that there is no underlying disease process and no past history of stroke.
What you are describing is called "Nominal Aphasia."
We all have it to a certain extent and gets worse as we get older.
It is made worse or precipitated by stress,menopause or alcohol excess.
No big deal.
Cripes, Ive only just realised its Saturday and after a hard days slog.
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Yes will keep an eye on her. Sqad, no she doesn't have any medical problems and she doesn't drink either.
I googled that word sqad, sounds like a definition of me ;}
LOL....^^^^^ me too.
pity, I won't remember it tomorrow ;}
It happens to me too. If my friend asks what did I do at the weekend, I can't remember! It's a standing joke. The other day I asked OH why we went to Birmingham the other day. He told me it was the Christmas markets.
I also said I knew I was with my friend yesterday but couldn't remember where we were. He told me we were at the same funeral of a friend.
At least I know about it and I can laugh about it so not worried about it yet.
I don't think forgetting words is the same as forgetting days. I can't tell the difference between one day and another because I'm retired, so they're all pretty much the same to me. Other people may be in the same situation, not necessarily for the same reason. It's not because I'm forgetting, it's because I seldom have any reason to remember it in the first place.

Forgetting words, which I also occasionally do, is different. It's just one of the things that happen to older people. It could become a problem but it almost never does, except as a fleeting source of irritation to the speaker and the listener.
I forgot how to spell my name once :-)

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