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Breastfeeding In Public, Whats Your Views?

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piggynose | 11:01 Tue 09th Feb 2016 | Body & Soul
106 Answers
I ask, because a young woman is breastfeeding her 2 year old son now in my local cafe.


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i suppose it could upset people of a sensitive nature if she's serving tables at the same time
11:13 Tue 09th Feb 2016
LOL Sqad, their rants will not bother me one iota !!
RATTER...that video is interesting. I'm surprised that so many young people are anti breastfeeding. Disappointed,too.
hc4361 - //What is it about Western sensibilities that has such a twisted view on something that is not only natural but until recently was essential for life?

Why is it acceptable to have topless women posing provocatively in a daily newspaper but frown on mothers' breastfeeding their children?

I just don't get it. //

It's simple cultural differences.

In Thailand, picking your nose in public would not cause a second glance, but exposing the soles of your feet is seriously offensive.

In Arab society, pointing your finger at someone, even if illustrating a point of conversation, is very bad manners.

We all evolve in different ways, and our cultures are specific.

The hypocrisy of western men was beautifully exposed (sorry!) in the clip that RATTER posted.
murraymints, how do you feel about large breasted women dressing in very revealing clothes?
//Why is it acceptable to have topless women posing provocatively in a daily newspaper but frown on mothers' breastfeeding their children?

I just don't get it.//

I think jno almost wrote the exact same comment on the exact same other OP on this subject. :-)
murraymints - //in my experience women who feed in public flaunt it and seem to be seeking attention...there are plenty of baby feeding rooms in public places now..that are NOT toilets... //

You must live in a different culture to me then - the only women I see feeding are very discreet, and as I have said, you would need to look twice to even know what they are doing.

You seem to be perpetuating the notion of attention-seeking nursing mothers - if they want you to look at them - as you appear to think - surely the best reaction is not to look!

They are denied the attention they seek, your sensibilities remain unoffended - result all round!

\\\Why is it acceptable to have topless women posing provocatively in a daily newspaper but frown on mothers' breastfeeding their children? \\\

Let me help you with that, from a personal point of view:

an attractive woman , nice hair, well made up with a low cut blouse or dress, engenders the smell of perfume, the feel of a soft byt firm breast, the pink erect nipple.

Noe add a baby to that sucking on the nipple it engenders, baby smell, regurgitated milk, nappies full of yellow liquid farces, bloody awful smell.

Does that help with the difference?
^^^ the odd spelling mistake, but you get the gist.
Instead of making judgements about why women are feeding their babies in public ( "flaunting"! For Funks Sake...what next!)...why not talk to them. Find out how they feel. Not all are attention seekers and it's wrong to label them as such. Can't a woman feed a baby where and when it's convenient?
Sqad, your titilation is of secondary importance to breastfeeding a child.
^^^...LOL.....not to me it isn't...;-)
andy when I say flaunting I mean sitting completely naked from waist up for all to see no attempt whatsoever at discretion..quite unneccesary
\\\Can't a woman feed a baby where and when it's convenient?\\\

Clearly she can but some of us don't have to appreciate it.
I hate the idea that mothers who are out for a sociable hour or two should be shunted in to a little room, not matter how luxurious it may be (some chance), to feed their children instead of socialising and enjoying the company of their friends and family.

murraymints, I have never, even seen that except on a beach.'re perpetuating the attitude that women exist just for men's pleasure. They don't...get over it.
I am sure there are other mothers who have fed in my company and I have been unaware of it.I am talking of the other "look at me mother Earth " types..of which there are many
murraymints - //andy when I say flaunting I mean sitting completely naked from waist up for all to see no attempt whatsoever at discretion..quite unneccesary //

I think you'd agree, that is a pretty extreme example of what we are discussing here - and hardly typical!
hc..I see it up here often in supermarket cafés...
ditto Andy ...

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