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Breastfeeding In Public, Whats Your Views?

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piggynose | 11:01 Tue 09th Feb 2016 | Body & Soul
106 Answers
I ask, because a young woman is breastfeeding her 2 year old son now in my local cafe.


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i suppose it could upset people of a sensitive nature if she's serving tables at the same time
11:13 Tue 09th Feb 2016
//andy when I say flaunting I mean sitting completely naked from waist up for all to see no attempt whatsoever at discretion..quite unneccesary//

Murray - are you seriously saying you've seen ladies doing that in public?

andy when I say flaunting I mean sitting completely naked from waist up for all to see no attempt whatsoever at discretion..quite unneccesary

Who does that??
\\\Can't a woman feed a baby where and when it's convenient?\\\

This one isn't attention seeking or flaunting it much.

\\\\'re perpetuating the attitude that women exist just for men's pleasure. They don't...get over it.\\\

All the ones I have met do..............that's all i care about.
murraymints - //I am sure there are other mothers who have fed in my company and I have been unaware of it.I am talking of the other "look at me mother Earth " types..of which there are many //

Now we are getting some perspective going here.

At one extreme is the exhibitionist to whom you referred, and at the other are the huge majority of nursing mums who would not appreciate being started at, much less castigated for doing what is necessary for their babies.

But I think we all know that one is an extreme and rare example, and not to be used to judge the majority.

That's like saying Boris Johnson is a typical Tory!!!

(hang on, I haven't thought that analogy through have I .....!!!)

Most natural thing in the world and it's really up to the mother to decide when it's time to stop.
andy I do not mind the discreet mothers it's the others that are sheer exhibitionists that I have an issue with...
murraymints - your original view was -

//in my experience women who feed in public flaunt it and seem to be seeking attention...there are plenty of baby feeding rooms in public places now..that are NOT toilets... //

But now you have qualified it to the point of almost denying what you said!
There are not plenty of baby rooms about either. Maybe in town centres but not if you meet up with friends locally.
As others have said, absolutely fine and natural but not the "look at me, I'm proving a point" brigade. I think 2 years old is too old for the breast.
I agree with horselady regarding some discretion - I don't know what age mothers feel its time to stop, but several of my friends have children and I don't remember them breast-feeding at 2 years old. Each to their own.
Not an issue unless the mother is 65 and the son is 30!
Know it's only a film, but in "The Room" the mother breast fed her son until he was 5. Not typical I realise.
Horselady - it is recommended to breastfeed until the age of 2 and beyond.

I do agree with Retrochic to a point regarding using a cup...but maybe he was tired and using it for comfort before a nap.

I would still like to know how piggynose knew the child was 2...
A two year old child is not going to 'starve' if he cannot drink breast milk as and when he wants it. In a cafe he could be offered a multitude of things if he were hungry. Going back to the OP -how does piggynose know the age of the child?
Does not bother me, does it bother you Piggy?
enjoy all you guys LOL
It's interesting that your question merely addressed breast-feeding in public, then you gave a reason for your raising it at this particular time. But immediately many folk started commenting on the specifics of the latter and ignored your actual generic question.

My answer is - it's fine by me.
Not a problem to me either, no need to elaborate as it has been asked so many many times here and doubtless will be again.
Canary - The question was 'breastfeeding in public, whats your views'?

piggynose just mentioned what prompted the question.

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