At moment I'm taking diazapam,codiene,paracetamol, also using movelat cream for a spinal fracture,feeling pretty drowsy, but helps with pain is this a better combination than tramadol or oramorph as I'm not sure of there side effects
Don't know if these are better than the tram. or oramorph, but what you are on is pretty heavy. I echo concern about constipation -when I broke a rib last Autumn the codein/paracetamol/goodness knows what made me so ill that I gave up after 4/5 days and put up with the (screaming, awful) pain instead.
Already been there with constipation, nightmare when all back muscles are in spasam doctor has given me lactose, I think as you think not much difference will stay wih taken codiene separate three months of pain at least to look forward to xx