At a guess, it might be sciatica (possibly caused by a slipped disc?). If so, any NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) might be appropriate. Sqad would almost certainly suggest ibuprofen (but possibly at a higher dose than suggested on the packet). It would probably be best to seek the advice of a pharmacist.
Sqad, I have just come out of hospital yet again. Whilst in there I suffered from very loose bowel movements. I begged the doctors for some Loperamide but they didn't want to know. They were happy to see the nurses wash me down, change my sheets and pyjamas, sometimes up to 4 times a day, a very degrading and embarrassing situation, rather than give me some relief.
Again I cannot see why your DRs wouldn't prescribe the above drug........there must have been a reason.
Pain relief is the essential function of the medical man and more and more have i seen it ignored.
People are given antibiotics for a painful infection e,g abscess, but nothing for the pain. I tend to get frustrated and concerned about pain relief being ignored.
Can't most pain relief be bought over the counter much cheaper than a prescription?
I was recently discharged with no pain relief which I found odd considering I was having intravenous and oral morphine up until that point. They even gave me morphine while I was waiting for my meds.
Disclaimer: The information provided here should not replace the advice of a medical professional or be used for "definitive" diagnosis. If you are in need of medical attention please contact your GP or out-of-hours doctor, if you need help finding this information, please visit this page
Being a "professional on AB affords you are just another ABer.....I have been told to stop posting because my advice is out of date, I have been told that my advice might endanger the life of a is a "free for all".