I've been on a low calorie, low / no carb diet and found that since April 2nd, through to around May 20th I lost a stone in weight. Really chuffed with myself.
It was very successful till this point. I have however recently plateaued and for the past 4-5 weeks, my weight has not gone down at all, the odd pound down, then the odd pound up but never continually down like before.
I don't understand why this would happen as I'm still sticking to the diet, I've really important reasons to lost the weight so I'm pretty determined, I wouldn't care, I've only really got another just over a stone to lose to be at my optimum weight...
Are you aiming for a sensible weight or are you aiming too low. Low carb diets are known for having higher set points. Where you are at the right weight for your body the diet stops working. You might also get further down by increasing your exercise slightly.
Hi Rowan, thanks. My BMI is still at 32.5 roughly and needs to be under 30 - doctors orders. I'm not really fat to look at, just need to lost a bit more.
I have increased exercise, and some nights am walking as much as 4/5 miles!
I don't know what to do to kick start it again, it all seemed to be going swimmingly in the beginning too and now it's just jammed!!!!
Ok, try increasing your calories slightly for about a week say by 150-200 a day, then just drop back by 50 a week , you have probably gone into starvation mode. Letting your body think the famine is ending might allow it to burn fat again.
You're not doing yourself any favours by doing low calorie. Eat until satiated...not stuffed though. Most who do modern low carb will tell you that you need to eat to lose. Also, up your healthy fat intake. Some nuts...not TOO many, avocados, olive oil. Introduce gradually and monitor weight.