// As for the other 2 - kept it to myself but when I got older I did tell a few friends//
sorry about this Jay-jay - this is seen time and again - a social construct even - the kids see what trouble it causes, nothing else happens, and learn thereby to keep quiet. This was particularly seen in Middlesbrough. yes Lady Butler Sloss ( bless!) doing more good! - said ( ordered ) that the Cleveland children should never again be asked if they were abused. Final result was a third werent, a third may have been and a third were. Bless her she made very good other recommendations and went on to totally screw up the Family Court system for 20y but that as they say is another story.
A recount a few years ago ( oo-la-la what did the judge say!) had: a half were and a half - - - may have been. oops! under-reporting there then
Hobbs and thingey ( the paediatricians who were vilified and lost their jobs - Higgs ) are still around and maintain, "everything we said - was later confirmed"
I am sorry it occurred to you Jsay Jay