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How Important Is Is Sex?

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Scarlett | 12:01 Fri 10th Aug 2018 | Body & Soul
117 Answers
If your other half / boyfriend / girlfriend / husband /wife became unable to have sex ever again, would you stay with them? If so, how difficult would it be for you?


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K. I had a longish post to send you, but you are 20 years old in the honeymoon period. I don't want to waste my time or yours lol :-)
He could purist and if he did then I'd be desolate about it, but the other option is to imprison him in a sexless relationship. If he chooses not to have sex elsewhere that's one thing but to compel him, you've lost what's special anyway.
I'm back.......rain stopped play at Lords.
Probably best Anne I'm probably too young to understand it anyway.
#patronisingmuch?#howdoIeventiemyshoelaces? #wellthattoldme :/
Didn't think I'd ever share this ...Mrs volty went off sex 5 years ago due to menapause told me didn't want sex anymore ...bit of a shock for me at the time but her choice ...I still love her to bits we are soul mates and laugh loads ( not my jokes by the way) never ever thought of looking else where for sex ..I'm 60 now and we're still happy with no sex but plenty of cuddles I love her loads
Kval......I agree.....but one can have sex, with the "other partner/wife, to whom one" is in love"........but the sex is just masturbation.....routine......boring.
Love doesn't guarantee good sex.
I would guarantee the main cause of infidelity in relationships is mainly due to boring routine sex, not necessarily from the woman's point of view, but certainly from the male partner.
I am sure Scarlett is taking a great deal of comfort in your (selfish) responses, sqad....
Sqad so would you be happy for mrs Sqad to find a lover if you no longer 'ring her bell'? Or are the wives of all these bored cheating husbands just shrugging their shoulders and getting on with the ironing?
Actually I tend to agree there Sqad, one of the main points of my present relationship is we both have a very high sex drive and share the same kinks, but if our sex life was rubbish anyway then that demonstrates a lack of communication between us and lack of care for the other person or just a fundamental mismatch, and I could not love a man who was uncommunicative. The question was about an otherwise healthy relationship which suddenly had no sex.You're describing a relationship already in trouble. x
K, your latest post just highlighted your maturity .:-) But I have " things to do " .
Voltage - thnk you for sharing that and for highlighting that not all men are sex mad lusting beasts and some do actually love and care for their wives.
Well Anne, might I humbly suggest that you don't presume to know better than the person, ANY person, posting their opinion if you don't want people to call you out on your opinions of them. It's rude and judgemental and entirely pointless.
#howverydareyou #i'vegotcheesemorematurethanyou #couldn'tgiveastuff
JTH....your responses are just personal.

AuntLydia......being happy or not, is hardly the point......the OP is about one's reaction to a sexless relationship.

If sex was no big deal to both partners then the relationship would continue as a sexless relationship.
If sex was important to either partner and was not available for some reason then the OPer wants opinions on how difficult it would be to continue the relationship.

Some wouldn't be difficult......some it would. not a very surprising situation.
kval you are well ahead on points,don't spoil it ;-)
Anne.......sometimes, just sometimes, you can meet someone and whilst that honeymoon period can be great what develops from it can be even better.
This can happen at any age, believe me....... ;-)
Not every relationship will go this way....some just stay good, which is fine.

So, despite her age, Kval may have struck lucky....and if things change she'll cope fine.... :-)
Sorry I'm an interesting mix of irritated and amused at the moment Aunty, but I'll try to reign my evil twin with the hashtags in :)
Should that be "rein in"
Just for info - I met my hubby at 17 and now 30 years later we are still together.
She was being regal Sparkly.
I'm a queen can't you see by my avatar Sparkly? Thankss for the correction though :) x

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