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Had Enough

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Rach2008 | 22:18 Sat 29th Dec 2018 | Body & Soul
38 Answers
Going to finish this misery. Had enough. Wish I had anyone who cared. Don’t tell me to call the Samaritans.


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What's the matter Rach? Some bad things happen to people for sure, but it's always better shared, so tell us what's wrong and maybe we can help?
Rach, never do anything in a hurry. I care about you, even though you think you don't know me. XX
I won't tell you, but you know that you should.
Life has ups and downs, when on a low you know an up is due in the future.
By the way, how's your Yorkie ?
Back in August you were very low and mentioned you had been helped in the past by counselling, did you try that again?

How have you been since?

There were some links on your last thread too , not just The Samaritans, have you tried any of those?

I will say that this time of year can be extra depressing for many and I'm sure you know that but do try to reach out for help - you are very special.
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My son won’t have anything to do with me. My daughter is selfish. I’ve no one else. My mother gave me up as a 3 month old. My adoptive parents died when I was a child. I met my birth mother at age 40. And she abandoned me again. I live with my current partner but she is very distant and only likes me when I pay for things. My life is empty and pointless. My only reason to exist is for the people I help at work. It’s not enough. My uncle died recently and I think it’s be better to join him.
I don't want you to join him.

Can I ask, not a trick question I promise - why did you decide to come and tell us of your plans?

If you can think that through, we might know where to go from there.
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Kvalidir my life is ***. There’s no point to it. It’s been a *** storm since for ever.

Only you can select the right path for you Rach, Good Luck.
Don't make a permanent decision because of a temporary situation.... things will get better if you reach out and ask for a bit of help....
You've had it hard in the past. Why do you think you can't change your future ? Pay less attention to those you feel are using you, find decent folk that you can enjoy the company of. Won't happen overnight, but traditionally New Year is a time when one decides to make changes for the better. What small goal can you try to get sorted first ?
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Mamyalynne I’ve tried numerous to end my
Life and, unfortunately, been unsuccessful. I certainly am very special! Just got sick
Of *** trying. Excuse my language
There is no problem that can't be helped when shared...
Is it worth us encouraging you to try counselling again?

Are you on any medication and is your Doctor sympathetic?

The main point is to get to a stage where you feel you can see a way out, whilst in this pit of despair no one can reach you - not even yourself.

Sadly the help won't come to you.
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Old geezer I can’t change it because I’ve got no one who gives. I have no goals, big or small
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Murray - who do
I share it with?
I agree with Minty and everyone else, nothing lasts forever and I agree form what you've said you have a lot to be unhappy about but little of that is insurmountable. this time of year is HORRIBLE for magnifying problems and emotions, s please don't do anything hasty, formulate a plan for New Year and make your life count, be selfish, do something for you that you'll enjoy and make that the start of a new you being constructed. Don't lose site of the fact that you are a special and valuable person, people do care about you, so get some help and then make a firm decision that you can and will move forward and enjoy life, you might have to be brave to do it, but it'll be so worthwhile, I promise. x
You wouldn't be reaching out here if you really felt nobody know we listen to our words....
What do you consider to be your biggest problem ?
You have a goal to change your present situation, even if the method you are considering is rather dramatic. Take time to list out that which would change your view of your life. Never mind others you feel aren't supportive, what do you need to make life feel of value ?

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