To the men here, would you be embarrassed walking in to a toilet and seeing someone using one, or wouldn't you even think about it? Seems such a primitive idea when toilets are available alongside.
Urinals were here long before I was born. A perfectly normal environment to do one's business. The cubicles are for the paperwork. As a little ditty above the Gents urinals in the old Marylebone Magistrate's Court once dictated. "You don't stand here to chat and scoff.Have your wee and then .... off"
What age range were they Calico? I'm reminded of a lost my son made on Facebook, you know when you've been together a while when you can ... in front of each other.
Must admit, Id have been a bit uneasy about HER dumping in front of ME.
Guys dumping together is one thing. But your beloved dumping in front of you?? Well, that's another thing entirely!
Age range 20-s to 60's at a guess, couple of people older than that I think probably. It started because a couple went to the loo together and there was some ribbing about what they'd been doing in there together (sex, drugs etc) and they both laughed and said 'just going to the bathroom'- and it kicked it all off.
arriving at Milan-Linate one evening (what a chaotic microcosm of Italian life that is), the ladies facilities were broken and everyone was using the "signori". 2 business types were leaking and one said to the other "aren't you embarrassed that women can see you?" "Nah" said his mate, "the inch has been revalued against the centimetre...…".
Calico, your answer wasn't there when I answered.
Never in my life heard one called that before LOL!
0G .. At 60 I've had to get reacquainted with toilet things looking after my granddaughter!
//my doris complains if i leave the door open, never mind venturing in there with me //
Bet she complains if you don't put the toilet seat down afterwards as well :-)
Never understood that one either...ladies, do us men ever complain that you don't leave it UP?
(For us men)
I can only add what most men have said - because we grow up using communal urinals, it feels perfectly natural, but I can understand how women find it odd, because to them, it is.