My partner has had back pain for over three months. Its on the left side, more to the side of his back, and I noticed bruising. He hasnt had an injury, or been hurt in any way. He did fall into a car pit 8 years ago, and landed on his back, but he only had a few broken ribs at the time. He is in a lot of pain. He went to see his GP, and it was a locum doctor who told him to continue taking ibuprofen, didn't even check his back and look at the bruising. I feel he should be checked out again, maybe have bloods done. Recently his sister died of leukaemia, this has been a stressful time for him. Please advise me as to what I can do to assist his back pain and more so the bruising. I have used ibuprofen cream, over the counter pain relief, ibuprofen, hot water bottle and hot and cold compressions. many thanks in advance.
Let us get the leukaemia aspect out of the is extremely unlikely, extremely that this is a presentation of likely as "Rocking Horse manure."
You do not say what dose of Ibuprofen he is taking. Also does his pain radiate down his leg and if so down the back or down the side of is leg.