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fruitsalad | 19:15 Sat 01st Feb 2020 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
I've always preferred my own company, but recently I have noticed how much more, I dislike being around crowds, for example in shops, public places etc If any one gets to close to me I need to move away, and find my own space, also noise has started to make me very irritable, and I seem to have a lot less patience with things around me, not sure it's worth wasting the doctors time, so just seeing if anyone has or had anything similar.


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I'm the same, Fruitsalad. Supermarket shopping is one of the things I hate. Can't help, I'm afraid. Just minimise the times when you visit crowded, noisy places.
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Tilly, that's the other thing, I do a lot more online shopping and even set up a subscription for my weekly mag, which I would make a special trip to the local shops for, it feels like I am becoming more and more reclusive.
Ive had social anxiety problems fs. Not sure if its the same thing as what you are experiencing right now though.
At one point I couldnt board a bus and went shopping at night when it was quiet. Had therapy sessions,(CBT), meds etc but didnt really help much.
Appears to be something that I have grown out of tho.
Would still discuss with a GP though.
Good grief, you’ve described me to a T. You are not alone, but like me, maybe you prefer to be.
I avoid people like the plague. I do all of my shopping online but do use the local shop everyday. I don’t mind bumping into people in the village but I really don’t like going anywhere these days.
//it feels like I am becoming more and more reclusive//
Its a horrible feeling as it dictates your life and leads to feelings of isolation.
Simply not getting enough good quality sleep could be the cause of the problem. (Been there, done that!).
I think it's just the aging process. But maybe via the lack of sleep stop-off.
I think that the problem is that there more irritating people out there intentionally trying to upset you. The morons seem to hunt in packs.

I refuse to accept that I am now a grumpy old woman.
//Simply not getting enough good quality sleep could be the cause of the problem//
Cant argue with that!!!
I spent time in a psych ward 2-3 years ago.
My main problem was sleep. I was diagnosed with everything from having a personality disorder/substance abuse/depression/ etc.
The first night in hospital (after been given several sedatives + sleeping pills) I slept for 2 hours.
Similar thing the following night until I gained a regular sleep pattern again after many nights in the psych ward.
I agree with Chris...sleep is so important!
I don't have any problems sleeping but I do have problems with irritating, noisy, music blaring, trolley moving, stocking pallets supermarkets which make shopping a pain instead of a pleasure.

That's why I mainly shop at Waitrose. I know that sounds snobby but, for example, the difference between Sainsburys and Waitrose is very noticable.
Well, you lot are a right 'king bundle of fun:-)
It’s no fun Melv16 having to tolerate gatherings of plonkers congregating in one’s vicinity on a regular basis. Interesting comments regarding sleep though, as my sleep pattern is all over the place.
I must admit to relating to all your comments. I am feeling very relieved that I am not alone!

I'm a shopping snob also. I only have a Tesco metro, but it's always chaotic in there...even Aldi and Lidl are a pleasure in comparison. If I'm in the city centre, I use either Marks or Sainsbury's...mine is rarely a shopping hell. I'm particularly sensitive sometimes...possibly due to past issues with panic and agoraphobia. I'm also weird, because I often like's a visual distraction for me. But forget town on Saturdays...I hate it. Too many rude and inconsiderate people and disruptive children and adolescents.
I think we become less patient with being crowded in by others as we get can be threatening and intimidating.
me too! As I get older I get less tolerant of crowds and noise and irritating stuff in general. I think when I was younger I felt I had to tolerate it and then you get older and realise that you don't have to. I think as with many other things, if you can sort out your life so that you can live more or less happily then do that. If it really starts to affect your mental health or you want to silence your neighbour with an axe and you actually go and buy an axe then its probably time to pop to the doc.
headphones. You don't have to have music or anything to attach to them, nobody will notice.

I quite like crowds myself.
We could form a club...
Then not go to the meetings and ignore each other.
Shoota, I really wished we had 'like' buttons. You deserve it for your comment.
I love you too Wolfie XXX

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