allen - // Naomi has got me banged to rights! “ You've paid for private treatment before, Allen?”
Shout it from the treetops! Allen spends money in capitalist enterprises!
Allen sees a way of stopping his possibly dying wife from having to wait six weeks for a scan and goes private! Rattle all the bars, get all the hounds a-howling! //
It appears that you started this thread by telling everyone that you are paying for your wife's treatment privately, and confirming stridently that you don't care about the adverse reaction this will cause.
The only adverse reaction has been towards your confrontational attitude - because apart from sympathising, no-one cares about your private health arrangements, certainly not enough to come on here and fight with you about them.
Obviously you have not had the fight you were looking for, and here you are again, trying to stir it up - daring anyone to confront you because you are paying for your wife's health care.
It's your business Allen, no-one is bothered, it isn't tilting the earth off its axis because a socialist is paying for private health care.
Your thread was redundant when you started it, and it remains redundant now.