Johnson's Baby Lotion in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Johnson's Baby Lotion

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Scarlett | 21:17 Wed 30th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
11 Answers

Well, it's kind of Body and Soul... Does anyone use this? Has anyone bought some recently, with "New Formula" on the bottle?

I did, and it really stung when I used it to take off my makeup!! When I phoned the company I told them it "stung". They then said "So, it burns?" very matter of factly! The truth is, this new formula BURNS your skin!! They had obviously had loads of people phoning up and using the word "burns".

Beware anyway. I would be interested to know anyone else's view if you use it!

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My mum could never use the old stuff on me because it used to burn my skin so I dread to think what they've done with the 'new formula'!!

Use a decent cleanser to remove your make up and never use baby lotion near your eyes, it will make your eye make up slide off the next day!!

Scarlett, I too use baby lotion to remove my eye make up. I buy Somerfields own brand and that works really well. But ran out once and brought Johnsons instead and yes it did have a burning effect. Would never use it again.
God - I use it on my little girl! She seems OK with it though. So far.
I have really sensitive skin and can't use it! it hurts too much :o(

Have you tried 'The Sanctuary' products scarlett? I've tried so many brands but this one works!
Gosh,this is really strange!!..I have had problems with sensitive areas on my face,and baby lotion has worked where others have left me red and irritated..I do mean Johnsons btw.
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Linda- Try the "new formula". Would be very interested to know what you think..

The old Johnson's certainly stung on the one time I tried it - but then so does E45 which is meant to be the best. I suppose we are all different, but I certainly would never have used it on a babe.

I used it on the baby due it being called 'Baby Lotion'

Yes, so would I have done if I hadn't used it on myself first and found that it stung!

I know - it's weird isn't it? I've never used it on my face, though, only my body but it's been ok on me. (Must have skin like an elephant!).
I had exactly the same problem � it started a couple of months back when I bought the 'New Formula' stuff. I found it had a similar sounding 'stinging' sensation' when I used it on my face but also, it had sharp crystals in it.

Having used this lotion for years, I thought it must be a bad batch and threw it out, only to replace it with some more that did exactly the same.

I tried contacting Johnson's by email to register a complaint but couldn't find a UK contact. Typical!

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Johnson's Baby Lotion

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