I have always been really angry with the term 'depression' because it hasn't got the gravity of meaning it should have.
It's human nature for people to assume that 'having depression' is the same as being depressed, and of course, it's not, it's a million miles away.
Being 'depressed' is part of the human condition, everyone has it from time to time, hence the notion that you can 'pull yourself together' because if you are depressed, you can.
But Depression is not like that, and this is where the misunderstanding kicks in.
I remember discussing this with a fellow patient when I was 'inside' and I said then, and still say now, that if 'being depressed' is spraining your ankle, than 'Depression' is having your foot cut off with a rusty tin lid - that is how far apart the two experiences actually are.
We should find a new word to describe this illness, and it should have the same ring of dread and understanding that Cancer has - no-one would tell a Cancer patient to 'pull themselves together'.
Yes I am aware that one is physical, and the other is psychological, but I honestly feel their level of seriousness and impact are on a par with each other, and would welcome a re-classification of the condition to accurately reflect how serious and damaging it is, and to divorce it once and for all with the supposed similarity to 'being a bit fed up ...'.
People get past being fed up, like i said, it is part of our standard make up - but people don't get past Depression - far too many of them die to escape it.